What to do if your brother is a tobacco user? BHAI DHOOJ SPECIAL

What to do if your brother is a tobacco user?

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in the world. It can harm not only the smoker but also the people around them who are exposed to second-hand smoke. If your brother is a tobacco user, you may be worried about his health and well-being, and you would wish your brother to be tobacco-free. Here are some steps you can take to support your brother in his journey to becoming tobacco-free. Read – Why should a sister wish her brother to be tobacco-free. https://blog.icancare.in/2023/08/31/why-should-asister-wish-her-brother-be-tobacco-free/

1. #KNOWTOBACCO. Be a Tobacco MARSHAL. Educate yourself about the dangers of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting. Learn about the different types of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco. Find out how they affect the body and increase the risk of various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and diabetes. The short-term effects and long-term effects. Also, learn about the positive effects of quitting tobacco, such as improved breathing, blood pressure, circulation, taste, smell, and mood. You can find reliable information from various sources and also from https://blog.icancare.in Please download the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness APP

2. COMMUNICATE –  Talk to your brother about his tobacco use and his reasons for quitting. Choose a time and place where you can have a calm and respectful conversation with your brother. Avoid nagging, lecturing, judging, or criticizing him for his tobacco use. Instead, express your concern and care for him, and ask him how he feels about his tobacco use and his readiness to quit. Listen to his answers and try to understand his perspective. You can also share some facts and benefits of quitting tobacco that you learned from step 1 but do not overwhelm him with too much information at once. You will need to have patience.

3. WIN OVER TOBACCO IS EASY – Encourage your brother to seek professional help and use evidence-based methods to quit tobacco. Quitting tobacco can be very challenging, especially if your brother has been using it for a long time or has a strong addiction. He may need more than just your support to quit successfully. You can suggest that he talk to Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists near you or online Call ICanCaRe Quitline  @ 011-43077695,  about his tobacco use and get advice on the best ways to quit. You can also help him find and use proven methods to quit tobacco, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), Nicotine Receptor Agonist medication, behavioral therapy, or quitline services. Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist uses the most advanced digital tobacco cessation protocol for a 100% quit rate.

Most users, when given the assurance and hand held by a certified tobacco cessation specialist and with ABCD Quit Tobacco Intervention, are more than willing to quit!!!

An ICanCaRe Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist follows the ABCD Of Tobacco Cessation to help in a 100% quit rate.

4. HAND HOLD- Be his Quit Buddy. Connect with your CTCS. Support your brother throughout his quitting process and celebrate his achievements. Quitting tobacco is not easy, and your brother may face many challenges and setbacks along the way. He may experience withdrawal symptoms, cravings, stress, mood swings, or weight gain. He may also encounter triggers or temptations that make him want to smoke or use tobacco again. You can help your brother cope with these difficulties by being there for him when he needs you. You can offer him emotional support, such as listening to his feelings, giving him encouragement, or reminding him of his reasons for quitting. You can also offer him practical support, such as helping him avoid or deal with triggers, distracting him from cravings, or joining him in healthy activities that reduce stress and improve well-being. Additionally, you can celebrate his achievements and milestones with him, such as going one day, one week, one month, or one year without tobacco. You can praise his efforts, reward his progress, or do something fun with him to mark the occasion.

5. BE A QUIT BUDDY. BE PATIENT. Do NOT FEEL GUILTY. – Be patient and understanding with your brother and yourself. Quitting tobacco is a personal decision and a process that takes time and effort. Your brother may not be ready to quit right away or may not quit on his first attempt. He may relapse or resume his tobacco use after quitting for a while. Do not give up on him or blame him for his failures. Instead, be patient and understanding with him and help him learn from his mistakes and try again. Remember that every quit attempt is a step forward and an opportunity to improve. Similarly, be patient and understanding with yourself, and do not feel guilty or frustrated if you cannot make your brother quit tobacco. You cannot control his behaviour or force him to change; you can only offer your support and guidance. The final decision and responsibility lie with him.

By following these steps, you can show your brother that you care about him and that you want him to live a healthier and happier life without tobacco.

Let us join hands to #savetheyouth.

(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, Patparganj, and Noida. He is the author of the books – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation at Gujarat University, and has trained more than 1000 doctors to be tobacco cessation specialists).

Book your appointment today to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at www.icancare.in/quittobacco or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at https://app.icancare.in

Why Should a Sister Wish her Brother be Tobacco Free

If you have a brother who smokes/chews/vapes tobacco, you might be worried about his health and well-being. Any form of tobacco is harmful. Tobacco is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease in the world. It can damage the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and other organs. It can also increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart attack, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). HARMS OF TOBACCO EARLY and LATER are going to show in life!

As a sister, you love your brother and want him to live a long and healthy life. You might also want to protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke or tobacco use, which can cause asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, tuberculosis, and other respiratory problems in children and adults.

That’s why you should wish your brother to be tobacco-free. By quitting tobacco, he can improve his health and quality of life. He can also reduce the chances of developing serious illnesses and complications in the future. He can also save money, smell better, and have more energy.

But quitting tobacco is not easy. It takes a lot of courage, determination, and support. As a sister, you can play an important role in helping your brother quit. You can encourage him to seek professional help, such as counseling, medication, or nicotine replacement therapy. You can download the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness APP for him and seek help from ICanCaRe Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists. Call 011-43077695.  You can also offer him emotional support, such as listening to his struggles, praising his efforts, and celebrating his achievements. You can also help him cope with stress, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms by suggesting healthy alternatives, such as exercise, hobbies, or relaxation techniques.

By wishing your brother to be tobacco-free, you are showing him that you care about him and his health. You are also helping him make a positive change that will benefit him and everyone around him. You are being a good sister and a good friend.

A word of assurance will go a long way! Let’s wish all our brothers are tobacco-free! This is the biggest gift on the RAKSHABANDHAN!

Most users, when given the assurance and hand held by a certified tobacco cessation specialist and with ABCD Quit Tobacco Intervention, are more than willing to quit!!!

An ICanCaRe Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist follows the ABCD Of Tobacco Cessation to help in a 100% quit rate.

Book your appointment today to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at www.icancare.in/quittobacco or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at https://app.icancare.in

(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, Patparganj, and Noida. He is the author of the books – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation at Gujarat University, and has trained more than 1000 doctors to be tobacco cessation specialists).

A 77 years old doctor smoker, should he quit now?

Author – Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala. MDS, Public Health Dentistry (2013), CTCS (2020)

During our weekly session of CTCS course for cessation experts, a point was raised about a 77-years old person, doctor by profession and describing himself in good health state in spite of being a chronic smoker for over 40 years. It was discussed that whether or not should this person be encouraged for quitting tobacco.

The scenario was brought up that if one of his friends tries to come up with this suggestion, the very first point that he will put that ‘I am a doctor myself, and all my health reports are perfect. Smoking tobacco has not caused me harm in the way it is presented. Above all, it helps me stay energetic for my clinical practice’. So it is true, as a doctor, he must be perfectly aware that tobacco causes harm to its consumers. Additionally, he must also be knowing that the diagnosis of an impending cancer can be very abrupt and alarming situation.

The point he must not have thought about is being a respectable social figure himself, he is presenting a wrong attitude before the society, especially the young generation. The young folks around him would look at him and consider that ‘smoking is super essential for having a successful long career’ or that ‘tobacco does not kill’. His patients must see him having discoloured teeth, and think ‘if my doctor smokes I too can continue my habit without harm.’

So, it is highly recommended that this aged doctor should participate in a tobacco cessation program and put up his best efforts to discontinue tobacco usage. It does not actually matter here if he is able to successfully quit or not, because in both ways he will become a ‘Role Model’ for a large number of people.

Firstly, it highlights the fact that attempt to quit is important. It can be any age, any duration, any form of tobacco. The harm caused by tobacco products includes strong addiction. If one stays away from them as low as 72 hours, they can overcome addiction and withdrawal symptoms to a large extent. The benefits of quitting start appearing and continue over the time. So, ‘Quitting brings Better Health – Each day, Each year’.

Secondly, if he fails, he can be an example for youngsters for the difficulties faced during quit process. De-addiction is a long process, which is full of ups and downs for the patient. It takes a strong commitment and hard work; and so many people face failure. The addiction caused by tobacco products makes it difficult for even a doctor to quit, leave apart any layman. So, it is the best practice for all to stay away from these products. So, ‘Be Smart, Do Not Start’.

An ICanCaRe-certified tobacco cessation specialist follows the ABCD Of tobacco cessation for a 100% quit rate.

Book appointment to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at www.icancare.in/quittobacco or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at https://app.icancare.in