What to do if your brother is a tobacco user - smoking or chewing
Key highlights from the article "What to do if your brother is a tobacco user?": 1. **Educate Yourself:** Learn about the risks of tobacco and the benefits of quitting. Utilize resources like the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness APP for information. 2. **Communicate Supportively:** Have a non-judgmental conversation with your brother about his tobacco use. Listen to his views and share quitting information sensitively. 3. **Professional Assistance:** Encourage consulting with Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists for expert advice and quitting methods. The ICanCaRe Quitline is a recommended contact. 4. **Be a Supportive Quit Buddy:** Offer emotional and practical support throughout the quitting process. Celebrate his progress and help manage challenges like withdrawal symptoms. 5. **Patience and Understanding:** Recognize that quitting tobacco is a challenging personal journey. Maintain patience with your brother and yourself, and encourage continuous efforts despite setbacks. The article is authored by Dr. Pawan Gupta, a noted Surgical Oncologist and tobacco cessation expert, offering guidance and resources for tobacco cessation.