We welcome the first Scholarship batch of 2022-23 for the Gujarat University Accredited ORIENTATION COURSE IN TOBACCO CESSATION certificate course (www.icancare.in/academy/octc).
The batch is of selected doctors from across various disciplines – dental, radiotherapy, Head and neck oncologist, Psychiatry, ENT, etc.
The Scholarship to promote Capacity Building for Tobacco Cessation and Oral Care is funded by Bajaj Electricals Foundation through the I CAN WIN Foundation as a part of the #SAVEtheyouth campaign.
Orientation Course in Tobacco Cessation is a step towards learning the intricacies of the complex tobacco cessation intervention. It is an intensive 4 weeks course with 8 hours of exclusive live sessions online 2 hours once a week.
The participants of the course are exposed to practical clinically validated digitalized protocol to set up or scale up tobacco cessation practice and have the opportunity to:
Opportunities to initiate research with Gujarat University.
Join the growing network of India’s 500+ topmost Cessation experts.
Application is invited for the TOBACCO CESSATION PROMOTION SCHOLARSHIP 2022-23. Only limited seats are available for eligible candidates. To apply go to http://www.icancare.in/academy/scholarship or WA 6309437912
Quitting Tobacco Strategy and Capacity Building – ICanCaRe Protocol
Quitting tobacco is frustrating. And for a healthcare professional it is a challenge! Every day whatever discipline one is practicing, tobacco users, do visit your clinic. Most of the symptoms the patient has are also related to tobacco use – smoking, chewing, or vaping. The outcome of treatment is compromised if the person continues to use tobacco, thus losing trust with the patient.
It is also seen that a doctor who addresses the issue of tobacco with the patient and goes the extra mile in guiding the person to quit tobacco gains instant recognition from the patient and family. By doing this the doctor does gain directly and indirectly better value in society and definitely more clientele.
268 million people in India use tobacco in some form. The numbers are increasing every day. WHO reports that 70% of educated people who have taken tobacco for a substantial time wish to quit tobacco. They try it unsuccessfully by themselves and frustrated look for support from medical professionals. Medical professionals need to be skilled in tobacco cessation.
I am an Oncosurgeon, practicing for 27 years now. 70 % of my patient are tobacco addicts, as is the case with all other medical professionals, except a few branches. My initial intervention was restricted to just asking the person to quit tobacco. Beyond that I did not know, referring to the psychiatry department was not agreeable, and more importantly, the low quit rate was not acceptable. So, my journey into tobacco cessation began with a deeper understanding of the psychosocial and physical patterns of tobacco addiction and coming up with a successful ICanCaRe intervention model. ICanCaRe launched a comprehensive tobacco control program as SAVE the Youth Campaign.
QUITTING TOBACCO – is now easy
Tobacco addiction is multifactorial. The skill lies in assessing each of the components and balancing the issue with the patient. The intervention is individualized and is not a copycat prescription for all. The most important roadblock for every patient is the “Fear of Failure”. ICanCaRe incorporated all the components into digital format http://app.icancare.in and made it simple, scalable, and saleable. The balance lies in managing withdrawals, cravings, suffering, societal pressure, and managing medical issues. This intervention process is simplified as “ABCD of Tobacco CESSATION” which is Active Motivation, Behavioural intervention, Co-morbidity management, and Drugs and medications like Nicotine-Acetylcholine receptor agonists and supplements.
ICanCaRe E-pharmacy for tobacco medications is available to ensure timely doorstep delivery of the medications to ensure compliance. And more recently multilingual virtual clinics have been introduced to help guide remote patients. Quit tobacco is now just a call away – 011-43077695.
The ICanCaRe standardized protocol for cessation has been designed, piloted, and implemented to help individuals quit any form of tobacco and smoking with ease. This protocol is tailored to suit the individuals’ needs and habits so that adapting to the tobacco-free routine is easy and simple. More details are available at www.icancare.in/quittobacco.
Quitting tobacco is now available, feasible, and effective!
Capacity building is the absolute need of the hour so that the HCPs are readily available across every corner of the country to offer help for a cessation to their patients. Every hospital needs to establish a dedicated cessation center with a dedicated team to offer assistance in quitting and oral examination.
ICanCaRe Academy – introduced the Certified Tobacco Cessation courses accredited with GUJARAT UNIVERSITY to train doctors and health care workers across India. Lots of trained skilled HCP and Tobacco cessation clinics are needed across India. Tobacco MARSHALs in society are trained influencers who motivate people to SAVE the youth. www.icancare.in/academy
The pillar of success for the program lies in visibly, available skilled and networked Health Care Professionals following a reproducible digitalized intervention for a successful outcome.
At ICanCaRe we are committed to SAVE the youth by sensitization, assisting them to quit, Volunteer Training, and Enforcing tobacco control.
ICanCaRe is here to stay with its innovative 360-degree intervention for tobacco cessation.
Collaboration and synergizing together are the way ahead to putting an end to this pandemic. ICanCaRe is open for collaborations with institutions, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and tech-based institutions to amplify cessation across the country.
(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali. Patparganj and Noida. He authored the book – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation at Gujarat University. He launched the #SAVEtheyouth campaign and Tobacco MARSHALs in the community)
ICanCaRe organized its 1st Batch on Certificate Course for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist endorsed by Gujarat University on 14-15th June 2019 at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali. It was tremendously sensational and an interactive sessions where experts from various specializations had participated to learn the latest techniques of cessation like Motivational Interviewing(MI), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Change Talk, Handling challenging responses from patients, Group Counselling, Pharmacotherapy, Relapse Prevention, Treatment Planning, Documentation, Evaluation, Community Program and Regulations for Tobacco Control in India.
Dr.S.K.Arora Delivering his Lecture
Participants Taking Assessment
Demonstration for e-cessation app and instruments required for evidence based cessation was also given to help the specialists perform a protocol based cessation with the patients to enhance the effectiveness of the patients. MI is specially designed to bring the patients from pre-contemplation to contemplation state by helping them explore their own thoughts and barriers to quitting.
Mr. Rishabh Agrawal on Role of Technology for Tobacco Cessation
There were many case discussions and role plays for different topics which led the participants to imbibe the concepts properly with the experts. Eminent speakers like Dr. Pawan Gupta, Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Hospital; Dr. S.K.Arora, Additional Director General of Health Services of Delhi Government; Dr. Rakesh Rawal, Professor and Coordinator of the course from Gujarat University and Lawyer Rabindra Mishra conducted sessions as faculty and imparted abundant knowledge to help the participants preach and practice cessation with their patients daily.
Role Plays – Played by Participants
Dr Rakesh Rawal, critically evaluated the process of training, assessment and certification process as per the university mandate and congratulated the pioneer batch to have joined this noble preparation to save millions of Indians from tobacco, the killing agent.
Dr Rakesh Rawal, Gujarat University
Dr Shridhar Dwivedi, an eminent and senior cardiologist enlightened the participants on the history of tobacco and its severe health hazards and impact on day to day life during his lecture.
Dr Shridhar Dwivedi Delivering his lecture
Dr. Pawan Delivering his Lecture
Dr Gagan Saini, Associate Director, Radiation Oncology, Head and Neck , Max Hospital Vaishali explained the participants and equipped them with the knowledge on early detection of oral cancer lesions. During his lecture he provided the technique for oral cavity examination, neck examination for clinically examination and identification of affected areas due to tobacco use.
Dr Gagan Saini lecture on Oral Screening
Dr. Pawan Gupta Discussing Case with Participants
Our Enthusiastic Participants
None the less, the participants were very passionate and enthusiastic. Their rigor and passion to learn cessation was unmatched. They listened to all the speakers with sheer concentration and very vigilant in asking pertinent questions to clarify their doubts besides, vigourosly participating in all role plays.
The course participants included Dr Ravi Ahuja, Council Member IDA; Dr Umesh Sharma, National Secretary CDH; Dr Alok Narang, Surgical Oncologist, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali; Dr. Antosh Kumar, Senior MO, NTPC Vindhyanagar; Dr Avnica Agrawal, Dr. Suchitra Prasad and Dr. Surabhi Sharma.
Ms Vandana Tomar critically
evaluated the course process and was very appreciative of ICanCaRe’s effort to
build a course with such lucid language that can be understood, learned and practiced
by any healthcare professional.
The session was conducted in a
span of two days. It was followed by assessment, memento distribution and a
gala dinner to congratulate all participants and faculty to kick start a revolution
of introducing preventive healthcare into the industry for tobacco.
Gala Dinner
With this first batch, ICanCaRe
is now a team of 10 passionate, energetic and extremely talented specialists
who can beat the habit of tobacco in their patients. Let’s begin the revolution
and kick tobacco’s butt!
For all those who want to quit
smoking or chewing, the right help is now fully available to get over your
addiction of tobacco. Don’t fail self-trying again and again. Become a champion
with our experts. Call ICanCaRe today on 7838783268 or visit www.icancare.in for more details!