Will Power and Quit Tobacco

Quitting is Easy and Just a Call Away! Call 011-430-77695 Today for Assistance!

Just like real muscles, your willpower can experience fatigue. This is why using willpower exercises repeatedly to deal with tempting situations, such as people offering you a cigarette, may lead to a smoking slip-up.

It’s a good idea to bear this in mind and have a plan for managing these situations or if you feel your willpower fading.

A common belief among smokers is that you either have willpower or you don’t.

However, willpower is often linked to motivation – and the great thing about motivation is that you have the power to change it! If you have low levels of willpower or motivation now, it doesn’t mean they’ll stay low.

The trick is to make a start on developing your willpower.

Do check your will power index on the ICanCaRe APP – Download here.

Will power off course is an important component of tobacco cessation but that alone may not be enough.  At some point of time it may get overwhelmed, and you slip and that would be start of relapse. The withdrawal and cravings are not just hearsay but real, this needs a support of tobacco cessation specialist to help you during your journey. If one is contemplating to quit, the ICanCaRe cessation specialist makes an individualized plan that may include your behaviour therapy and medicines. Adhering to the plan needs regular reinforcement and that is provided by the unique Tobacco Quit Coach on a regular basis. Review of the plan is done regularly and challenges addressed.

ICanCaRe Tobacco wellness centre is here to provide you the means and solutions to your Quit Journey.