Will Power and Quit Tobacco

Quitting is Easy and Just a Call Away! Call 011-430-77695 Today for Assistance!

Just like real muscles, your willpower can experience fatigue. This is why using willpower exercises repeatedly to deal with tempting situations, such as people offering you a cigarette, may lead to a smoking slip-up.

It’s a good idea to bear this in mind and have a plan for managing these situations or if you feel your willpower fading.

A common belief among smokers is that you either have willpower or you don’t.

However, willpower is often linked to motivation – and the great thing about motivation is that you have the power to change it! If you have low levels of willpower or motivation now, it doesn’t mean they’ll stay low.

The trick is to make a start on developing your willpower.

Do check your will power index on the ICanCaRe APP – Download here.

Will power off course is an important component of tobacco cessation but that alone may not be enough.  At some point of time it may get overwhelmed, and you slip and that would be start of relapse. The withdrawal and cravings are not just hearsay but real, this needs a support of tobacco cessation specialist to help you during your journey. If one is contemplating to quit, the ICanCaRe cessation specialist makes an individualized plan that may include your behaviour therapy and medicines. Adhering to the plan needs regular reinforcement and that is provided by the unique Tobacco Quit Coach on a regular basis. Review of the plan is done regularly and challenges addressed.

ICanCaRe Tobacco wellness centre is here to provide you the means and solutions to your Quit Journey.

Weight Gain from Quitting Smoking

Temporary Weight Gain Happens after Quitting Smoking and Can be Controlled

There is common misconception among the smokers that quitting smoking causes weight gain. This is also one of the many reasons why many smokers fear to quit this deadly habit. In this blog today, I’ll try to clear the misunderstanding and talk about what actually happens when you quit smoking.

It is not known to many individuals that tobacco consumption either in smoke or smokeless form, curbs the hunger without the person even realizing it. Researchers from Yale University have found that nicotine in tobacco excites certain brain cells that causes them to either fight back or give away a flight response. They do not produce pleasurable feeling and fight by curbing hunger in the person. This is why a person who consumes tobacco feels less hungry as compared to a non tobacco consumer and is thinner as compared to the non tobacco users.

As soon as one quits smoking or chewing, the nicotine from the body is flushed out and these cells do not get activated to fight back for anything. This results in restoring of hunger and the appetite starts getting back to normal shape. Since one had been eating lesser because of tobacco, they tend to feel comparatively hungrier and more number of times, than before quitting.

This results in people eating more frequently and munching on their favorite cuisines and dishes. This frequent intake of food is the root cause of sudden weight gain. If not controlled and managed properly, results in substantial weight gain and becomes a habit leading to the person getting back to smoking to again control their weight or eating uncontrollably causing obesity.

If proper diet and exercise is introduced and followed during the quit cycle, then there will not be any substantial weight gain and the person will also be able to maintain their fitness. There might be a temporary gain. But with exercise and ayurvedic foods, weight can be managed and maintained properly.

Weight Can be Managed with Diet and Exercise Plan During the Quit Cycle

We at ICanCaRe follow a very systematic approach in helping the people manage their weight while they are quitting smoking with us. Appropriate diet and exercise plan is introduced to help the patients. Care is taken to introduce tasty food items so that the person does not feel bored out and follows the plan properly without any considerable weight gain.

I hope this blog was helpful. Do comment and let me know your experiences and thoughts. Share ahead to also help others bust the misconception about weight gain from quitting smoking.

Call 011-430-77695 for assistance in quitting tobacco or visit Quit Tobacco page to know more details about our online tobacco cessation and wellness program and register for the same.

The Invisible Tobacco – Case 1

A 57 year old lady , with a good socio-economic background, had visited me for an ulcer on her lower lip around 3 months back, and it was increasing at a rapid pace.

Cancer on the Lower Lip of the Patient

She had consulted many hospitals, who confirmed the lesion to be a lip cancer. She did not use any form of tobacco yet she had developed lip cancer. What could be the cause?

None of the hospitals, which she had visited earlier for investigation of her ulcer, were able to diagnose the causative agent. Over and above she affirmed that she was not a tobacco user. Her oral cavity was not healthy and definitely some thing was missing. It did not also look that she was telling a lie, and it also seemed that she wouldn’t use tobacco knowingly.

White Plaque like Lesion on the Right Buccal Mucosa
White precancerous lesion in the lower labial vestibule plus tobacco stains on teeth
Some reversible changes in the left buccal mucosa

So we went ahead to ask her of her habit and any special toothpaste or gargle she would use. It was then that we came to know that since childhood all her family members including herself were using a special toothpaste. She also said that she feels good after using the toothpaste.

This toothpaste was the causative agent of lip cancer in her lower lips. She was shocked to know the real cause of her cancer. This was her invisible tobacco that made her feel refreshed and good after using it. It is therefore important to realize the effects of products we are using in everyday life. We need to be alert about the unusual pleasantness or any other change that is happening in the body with a product because it might be a reason for cancer.