Certified Tobacco Specialist Batch of February – March 2023

CTCS course accredited by Gujarat University and conducted by ICanCaRe Academy is an 8 weeks course. The new batch started their journey on 5.2.2023

The February – March 2023 Batch of Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists course is a very interesting batch. The batch consists of doctors from various disciplines- Pulmonologist, Surgical oncologist,  ENT and Head neck Onco-surgeon, Pedodontics, Oral medicine and Radiologist, and dental surgeon, Community medicine, Dietitian and most interesting Gynaecologist.

Dr. Manisha Pandey is the first Gynaecologist of India to take this course and be a CERTIFIED TOBACCO CESSATION SPECIALIST.

Each one as much enthusiastic to learn more and adopt tobacco cessation in their practice.

We welcome each one of them into the ICanCaRe family as they join the #SAVEtheyouth campaign as Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists.

Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists are the most important link for #SAVEtheyouth Campaign as they are at the pinnacle and trained extensively for intervention to successfully help quit tobacco for their patients.

CTCS course is accredited by Gujarat University and the only such course in India giving practical experience, ICanCaRe APP for digitalized protocol intervention. To know more go to http://www.icancare.in/academy/ctcs It is an 8-week course with dedicated 2.5 hours each week, with a lot of reading material etc.

What some of the participants have to say:

“I am motivated to join because I want to learn the how I can convince my patients to quit tobacco logically and lovingly.” – Dr. Akanksha Munjal,

“As a Surgical oncologist it is important to do tobacco intervention for better outcome for my patients, I would be able to guide my patients and also wish to start my” – Dr. Paramesh, Surgical Oncologist, St. Johns Hospital, Bengaluru.

“As a pulmonologist, learning tobacco cessation comes naturally as most our patients need proper guidance. I want to establish tobacco cessation program in our hospital” – Dr. Amrutha, Pulmonologist, Kerala

“Women are the biggest sufferer because of tobacco, I wish to help them and wish to start practice tobacco cessation along with my ongoing clinical practice.” – Dr. Manisha Pandey, Gynaecologist, Noida

Tobacco Cessation Promotion Scholarship 2022-23


I CAN WIN FOUNDATION and ICanCaRe Academy through a grant from Bajaj Electricals Foundation has the pleasure to announce the TOBACCO CESSATION PROMOTION Scholarship 2022-23 for Orientation Course for Tobacco Cessation (OCTC).

As part of the Capacity building to promote tobacco cessation, 100% Scholarships for the ORIENTATION COURSE IN TOBACCO CESSATION are offered to deserving candidates who wish to start or upgrade the TOBACCO CESSATION program in their Institution or clinic.

The OCTC is a GUJARAT UNIVERSITY accredited course with a course fee of INR 9000/-. It is one of the two most recommended courses for practicing Tobacco Cessation successfully. The awarded candidate gets it FREE.

Link for scholarship application:


Link to know more about OCTChttps://www.icancare.in/academy/octc

Link for PDF document for recommendation – https://www.icancare.in/academy/forms

For query write to info@icancare.in or WA – 6309437912

#icancareacademy #ICanCaRe #bajajelectricalsfoundation #tobaccocessationcourses #scholarship #OCTC #gujaratuniversity #icanwin #icanwinfoundation #tobaccocontrol #tobacco #tobaccofree

Oral Care and Tobacco Camp by Rotary Club of Aligarh Rudra

at Varshney Mandir, Aligarh

ORAL CARE AND TOBACCO CAMP at Varshney Mandir, Aligarh by Rotary Club of Aligarh Rudra

Event Date: 25th January 2023 Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 pm

In association with –MAX Hospital, Patparganj and ICanCaRe

An Oral Care and Tobacco Users Camp was conducted under the leadership of Mr. Saket Varshney, President of Rotary Club of Aligarh Rudra as part of SAVE the youth Campaign of ICanCaRe.

The focus was specially on Tobacco Users. Chewing tobacco use is unique in India. India has the highest tobacco chewers in the WORLD and also the highest Oral cancers related to tobacco use in the world. Aligarh is dominated by tobacco users. With this in mind Mr. Saket and his team organised this unique camp for the tobacco users. The camp was inaugurated by Rotary District 3110 Assistant Governor Mr. Harvansh Sahay.

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. a highly recommended Oncosurgeon, Director MAX Hospital and Founder of ICanCaRe made the participants aware on the following:

  1. Tobacco is a disease and needs to be treated as a disease. IT IS POSSIBLE TO QUIT.
  2. Medical treatment is available to help quit tobacco.
  3. STANDARD PROTOCOL for intervention is available on ICanCaRe app (http://app.icancare.in)
  5. SPECIALISED centres – Physical and Virtual are available.
  6. ICanCaRe trains doctors and social workers to be Specialist and TOBACCO MARSHALS in the society.(www.icancare.in/academy)
  7. Oral cancers are a chronic disease and it has a long incubation period. When changes occurs initially it is possible to reverse by quitting tobacco however, if it has progressed it is possible to treat with cure.

ICanCaRe runs a physical centre at MAX hospital and it also runs virtual tobacco cessation program, to enroll – contact 011-43077695. In addition ICanCaRe ensures that medications reach the client wishing to quit tobacco through its unique online pharmacy www.icancare.org

18 patients were seen of which

  1. 3 had cancers – guidance was given to them as per requirement. All three were tobacco users.
  2. 8 had oral lesions and required treatment for the same
  3. All had dental problem related to tobacco
  4. 7 started medical treatment to quit
  5. 4 planned to quit tobacco by self and were advised in case they fail they can reach Mr Saket who would facilitate to register for virtual program to quit.
  6. 2 had quit earlier of which one was normal and other had lesions, but very much reluctant to except.
  7. 4 disagreed that they need to stop tobacco, although they had lesions. They were advised to comeback for review after a month, hope by then they would have change in mind.
  8. One participant immediately threw away tobacco from his pocket as start of his tobacco free journey.
  9. 2 patients were non tobacco user and just came for check-up. They were found to be normal.

Arrangement for medications were made at the camp and willing people immediately purchased medicines for their use.

This was a unique camp and of real benefit to the participants, unlike other pseudo camps which is mostly for advertisement. All credits to Mr. Saket Varshney and his team.

Mr. Vinay Sharma coordinated on behalf of MAX Patparganj for smooth conduct of the camp.

#icancare #icancareacademy #pawangupta #ctcs #rotary #rotaryclubofaligarhrudra #saketvarshney #MAX #aligarh

An ICanCaRe-certified tobacco cessation specialist follows the ABCD Of tobacco cessation for a 100% quit rate.

Book your appointment today to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at www.icancare.in/quittobacco or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at https://app.icancare.in

(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Vaishali. Patparganj and Noida. He is founder of ICanCaRe. He is the author of the book – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation at Gujarat University)