Dental Care is important for Oral Cancer patient Follow up

Follow-up of an oral cancer patient – Dental care is a must

Rakesh Kumar who had a treatment done for Oral tongue cancer on follow-up at 6 months found to have a Leucoplakia patch on the buccal mucosa.

Most of these patients due to chronic tobacco have dental attrition, sharp teeth, irregular teeth along with submucous fibrosis. This may cause trauma to the cheek.

Because of chronic tobacco use, these patients have field cancerization and are prone to second malignancy which is further increased due to dental conditions. Most of these patients have reduced mouth opening immediate rehabilitation with TRISCaRe is warranted for all oral cancer patients.

A good oral examination and dental care are important for these patients on follow-up.

#SAVEtheyouth #chotadaana #knowtobacco #oralcancer #followup #pawangupta

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch.

Director, Surgical Oncology, MAX Institute of Cancer Care, EZ- Delhi NCR, Vaishali, Patparganj, Noida

                Founder Director – ICanCaRe, ICanCaRe Academy

Special Mention: Master Trainer and Convenor- Certified Tobacco Cessation                                        Courses               accredited by Gujarat University

                             Convenor – ORAL ONCOLOGY CONNECT

                             National President and Sr. Vice Chairman – I CAN WIN FOUNDATION

                             Author of the book – Tobacco Cessation –  a Comprehensive Guidelines

                                                          Win over Tobacco – made Easy

                                                          Be Smart Do Not Start

                                                          Making an Institute Tobacco Free – Guidelines

                             Innovator – TrisCaRe – the Mouth opening Device for Trismus Care

                             Campaign – SAVE the Youth, Chota Daana, Know tobacco

YD Shukla – Oral Cancer and Skin Induration, Postoperative Rehabilitation

Mr. YD Shukla of Kanpur was diagnosed with cancer of the buccal mucosa with skin induration and was operated on by Dr. Pawan Gupta at MAX Vaishali on March 1st, 2022. He had extensive surgery with free flap reconstruction. A good rehabilitation with speech and swallowing therapy along with mouth-opening exercises was given. TrisCaRe the mouth-opening device was given in the early stages of post-surgery. Now at 8 months, he is psychologically, functionally, and cosmetically doing well.

#pawangupta #max #oralcancer #oralcavity #triscare #rehabilitation #headneckcancer #mouthopening #trismus #maxvaishali

This Diwali greatest Gift for Tobacco Chewer – TrisCaRe


This Diwali greatest Gift for Tobacco Chewer – TRISCaRe

Mr. Anil Joshi a regular tobacco user for 12 years when he visited MAX-ICanCaRe Oral Care and Tobacco Cessation Centre at MAX Vaishali, 3 months back he was all fears that he must have developed cancer in the oral cavity. His mouth opening was just 1.5 fingers around 2 cm and has been decreasing over a period of time.

At the center he was examined thoroughly, certain procedures were conducted, and were declared that he does not have cancer! His oral cavity was cleaned, tobacco stains removed and for his mouth opening, he was given a special instrument TRISCaRe and training to use it regularly.

Dr. Harshita Pandey, Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist and in charge of the center says all those who take tobacco is not necessary will have cancer, however they develop specific changes in the oral cavity that needs to be taken care of. One of the commonest problems tobacco users have is decreased mouth opening. We examine and treat them and give them TRISCaRe, the innovative mouth-opening device.

Mr. Anil has a mouth opening of 3.2 cm and says he is happy that he would be able to enjoy eating golgappas, laddoos, and rasagollas this Diwali thanks to the doctors at MAX-ICanCaRe Oral Care and Tobacco Cessation center. Now I am completely tobacco-free and glad I have no cancer. This is the greatest Diwali gift I got!

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch., Director, Cancer Surgery, at MAX Institute of Cancer Care, who designed and patented TrisCaRe says this simple instrument is the greatest gift for tobacco chewers. Lots of brainstorming was done to make TrisCaRe although the design and prelim model was introduced in 2010, that would fail the test of pressure required to open the mouth – either teeth would break or the instrument would break. The present material used has now stood the test on thousands of patients and is working wonders. TrisCaRe is, the Innovative Mouth Opening Device is ergonomically designed, Screw type, Broad Dental Plate, Measurement Scale for trismus measurement, and POLYOXYMETHYLENE material with good fatigue resistance.

He is happy for patients like Anil who have benefitted from his instrument TrisCaRe and Oral CaRe program.

ICanCaRe with its innovative tobacco cessation and oral care program has been benefitting thousands of tobacco users across India. Program is available virtual and also physical at ICanCaRe direct or trained Specialist centers.

CALL 011-43077695 to fix your appointment or download the ICanCaRe APP

TrisCaRe is available on or Flipkart and Amazon