#11th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

Group Discussion on

“There are people who are just not even willing to listen about Quitting.

How to address them, and show them the way?

especially the Business and entrepreneurs, many Doctors, and Established names in society. “


On 15th July 2023, the 11th tutorial was conducted for tobacco cessation and an insightful discussion was carried out among the participants about the people who are extremely reluctant to tobacco cessation efforts and are not willing to listen to minimal counseling as well. Many entrepreneurs, celebrities, and even doctors belong to this group of people, who even after having vast information available, ignore the dangerous consequences of tobacco consumption. Counseling such people becomes a huge challenge.  These are certain methods that can help manage these patients and change their approach toward cessation.

              Educating such patients through the Health Belief Model can help a great deal. Start discussing health from a general perspective, not being judgemental about their habit in particular. An example of some unknown person can be brought up and his tobacco habit can be casually highlighted. An emotional event related to that person’s health, which our patient can relate to, shall develop an interest in him. 

A subtle mention of the Relevance of quitting the habit, Risks from tobacco, Rewards gained in due course of quitting, and Roadblocks that one faces during his journey of cessation of harmful products can be the key motivation for the patient. Reassurance about the possibility of a successful quit journey is the most important aspect to sow the seed of this thought in mind. These 5 R’s play a key role in changing a patient from the pre-contemplation to the contemplation stage.

If the patient is not ready to listen for a long time, at least a Very Brief Advice for a future attempt to quit can be of great impact. Such a patient should be advised to come on another day with sufficient time to discuss this subject.

All health professionals should be suggested and trained to have a quick but specific discussion with all their patients about their history of tobacco consumption. They should be asked about the frequency, quantity, and type of products used, any prior attempts made to quit the habit, and what caused the failure. They should be advised for a supervised attempt of cessation and be referred to a Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist for the same. This model of 2AR used by all health professionals collectively shall play a major role in society.  


ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists (CTCS) is a monthly program on the 15th, from 9-10 PM. We welcome our CTCS to present complex cases on tobacco cessation for discussion and finding solutions for successful quitting. Please contact Dr. Mariya, Dr Siddhi, or Dr. Monalee for cases for tutorials.

ICanCaRe Academy encourages you to take part in our monthly session and learn in-depth details about practical tobacco cessation through cases discussed here.

To be a Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists go to www.icancare.in/academy/ctcs

#icancareacademy #tutorial #icancare #siddhi #pawangupta #CTCS #icancare #mariya #monalee #reenarkumar


(author of the blog –

Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala
MDS (Public Health Dentistry), CTCS(GU) – ICanCaRe
Assoc. Prof. & HoD
HDCH, Jabalpur)

A 77 years old doctor smoker, should he quit now?

Author – Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala. MDS, Public Health Dentistry (2013), CTCS (2020)

During our weekly session of CTCS course for cessation experts, a point was raised about a 77-years old person, doctor by profession and describing himself in good health state in spite of being a chronic smoker for over 40 years. It was discussed that whether or not should this person be encouraged for quitting tobacco.

The scenario was brought up that if one of his friends tries to come up with this suggestion, the very first point that he will put that ‘I am a doctor myself, and all my health reports are perfect. Smoking tobacco has not caused me harm in the way it is presented. Above all, it helps me stay energetic for my clinical practice’. So it is true, as a doctor, he must be perfectly aware that tobacco causes harm to its consumers. Additionally, he must also be knowing that the diagnosis of an impending cancer can be very abrupt and alarming situation.

The point he must not have thought about is being a respectable social figure himself, he is presenting a wrong attitude before the society, especially the young generation. The young folks around him would look at him and consider that ‘smoking is super essential for having a successful long career’ or that ‘tobacco does not kill’. His patients must see him having discoloured teeth, and think ‘if my doctor smokes I too can continue my habit without harm.’

So, it is highly recommended that this aged doctor should participate in a tobacco cessation program and put up his best efforts to discontinue tobacco usage. It does not actually matter here if he is able to successfully quit or not, because in both ways he will become a ‘Role Model’ for a large number of people.

Firstly, it highlights the fact that attempt to quit is important. It can be any age, any duration, any form of tobacco. The harm caused by tobacco products includes strong addiction. If one stays away from them as low as 72 hours, they can overcome addiction and withdrawal symptoms to a large extent. The benefits of quitting start appearing and continue over the time. So, ‘Quitting brings Better Health – Each day, Each year’.

Secondly, if he fails, he can be an example for youngsters for the difficulties faced during quit process. De-addiction is a long process, which is full of ups and downs for the patient. It takes a strong commitment and hard work; and so many people face failure. The addiction caused by tobacco products makes it difficult for even a doctor to quit, leave apart any layman. So, it is the best practice for all to stay away from these products. So, ‘Be Smart, Do Not Start’.

An ICanCaRe-certified tobacco cessation specialist follows the ABCD Of tobacco cessation for a 100% quit rate.

Book appointment to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at www.icancare.in/quittobacco or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at https://app.icancare.in