PRISm – A COPD Risk factor and Smoking Cessation advocated by ICanCaRe


Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm) is a critical indicator characterized by an FEV1 of <80% predicted and a FEV1/FVC ratio of >0.70. Identified as a precursor to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), PRISm demands careful monitoring, particularly in individuals with respiratory symptoms. The studies by Mariko Kogo et al. and Daniel H Higbee et al. shed light on the significant correlation between PRISm, respiratory symptoms, and the heightened risk of developing COPD, emphasizing the urgency for effective tobacco cessation interventions. In this context, the ICanCaRe tobacco cessation intervention program emerges as a beacon of hope, advocating for smoking cessation on an individual basis. ( This blog is in series with the previous blog on Increased risk of Asthma in Children exposed to secondhand smoke.( ICanCaRe Blog) (ICanCaRe LinkedIn)

Understanding the PRISm Challenge:

PRISm, when associated with respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum, and dyspnea, poses an independent risk factor for COPD development, especially in individuals with a history of smoking. Even without symptoms at baseline, PRISm can progress within five years, leading to airflow limitations. In addition, individuals with PRISm could exhibit increased respiratory symptoms, poor health-related quality of life, multiple comorbidities, and increased mortality compared with those with normal spirometry. The quantitative assessment capability of PRISm becomes a crucial tool for identifying and addressing the risks faced by smokers, reinforcing the need for smoking cessation.

The ICanCaRe Tobacco Cessation Intervention program quantifies the need for individuals and the digital protocol puts the urgency for smoking cessation on an individual basis.

ICanCaRe: A Holistic Approach to Tobacco Cessation:

ICanCaRe tobacco cessation wellness program stands out as a comprehensive, evidence-based tobacco cessation program aligned with the latest research findings. Grounded in the insights from studies by Kogo et al. and Higbee et al., ICanCaRe adopts a holistic approach to empower individuals to overcome addiction, ensuring long-term abstinence, and reducing the risk of respiratory complications.

Key Components of ICanCaRe – ABCD of Tobacco Cessation:

1. ACTIVE MOTIVATION: ICanCaRe actively motivates tobacco users through quantitative and qualitative assessments, estimating the progressive risk associated with continued smoking.

2. BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION: Tailored behavioral counseling strategies address unique triggers contributing to tobacco addiction, crucial for addressing psychological aspects and enhancing successful cessation.

3. COMORBIDITY MANAGEMENT: Clinical assessments for associated morbidities are conducted, with specialists providing personalized care.

4. DRUGS and MEDICATIONS – Pharmacotherapy: The program integrates evidence-based pharmacotherapies to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings, enhancing the effectiveness of the intervention and ensuring complete cessation.

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Conclusion – Empowering Individuals for a Tobacco-Free Future:

As we confront the challenges posed by PRISm and its link to respiratory symptoms, the ICanCaRe Tobacco Cessation Intervention program stands as a beacon of hope. By integrating the latest research findings into its framework, ICanCaRe not only recognizes the severity of the issue but actively addresses it through a personalized and holistic approach. It serves as a call to action for individuals to take charge of their respiratory health, break free from tobacco addiction, and embrace a future free from the shackles of compromised lung function.

ICanCaRe stands at the forefront of the battle against tobacco addiction, offering a lifeline to those grappling with the consequences of PRISm. Through its holistic approach, the program not only supports individuals in their journey to quit smoking but also contributes to a healthier, tobacco-free future for communities worldwide.

It is time we #savetheyouth. SAVE our next generation!! #knowtobacco to #notobacco


1. Mariko Kogo et al. Longitudinal changes and association of respiratory symptoms with preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm): The Nagahama Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2023 Nov;20(11):1578-1586. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202301-050OC.

2. Daniel H Higbee et al. Prevalence, risk factors, and clinical implications of preserved ratio impaired spirometry: a UK Biobank cohort analysis. Lancet Respir Med. 2022 Feb;10(2):149-157. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00369-6.

Author –

1. Dr Shikha Jindal Consultant Pulmonologist Dr Shikha Jindal Gupta MD, CTCS(GU)

– Sr Consultant Pulmonologist,

– Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist (Gujarat University by ICanCaRe)

Neo Super-Speciality Hospital, Noida

2. Dr Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Cancer Surgeon

 –  Sr. Director, Surgical Oncology

MAX Institute of Cancer Care, Vaishali, Patparganj and Noida

–          Founder Director – ICanCaRe – Innovative Cancer Care and Rehabilitation ICanCaRe, ICanCaRe Academy

–          Master Trainer – Tobacco Cessation Courses, Oral Cancers

#icancare #asthmaawareness #secondhandsmoke #icancareapp #pawangupta #icancareacademy #knowtobacco #Prism #COPD #smoking #quitsmoking

Suneela Garg Dr. Paramita Sengupta Rakesh Gupta Dr Pawan Gupta Dr REENA R KUMAR Shruti Agrawal Rishabh Agrawal Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala Dr Neha Agrawal ICanCaRe – Innovative Cancer Care and Rehabilitation Dr Shikha Jindal Consultant Pulmonologist

Published by

Dr. Pawan Gupta

Dr. Pawan Gupta is a trusted Senior Surgical Oncologist, social activist, and author, engaged in creating awareness and changing the way cancer is perceived in society. He is a renowned transformational speaker on cancer chronic diseases and lifestyle specifically tobacco. Thousands have benefitted from his workshops, seminars, camps, and training programs. He has been featured in Buzz Creator and on many channels on TV. He is the Founder of ICanCaRe, an Innovative enterprise for Cancer Care and Rehabilitation. Working extensively in Tobacco Cessation data-driven protocol-based intervention through a network of Specialists and experts on ICanCaRe APP, Virtual Clinics, and ICanCaRe National Quitline. National Convenor for Tobacco Cessation courses for the first time in India introduced under Gujarat University His populist campaigns “WIN OVER CANCER”, “SAVE the Youth – Win over tobacco”, “Chota Daana”, “Catch them Early”, and “My Hygiene My Responsibility” has gained him wide accolades. In his mission to win over cancer, he has a unique methodological approach to quitting tobacco. The book WIN OVER TOBACCO – MADE EASY is a step-by-step guide for tobacco addicts to overcome their cravings. The Book had more than 10000 Downloads within 30 Days of being made available. He received the prestigious ICD International Award in 2007, Vivekananda Sister Margarette Award 2017 and Delhi NGO leadership Award 2017, AIECS award 2018, Asia Africa Leadership in Social Innovation 2019, MICC Innovation Award 2019, Rashtriya Prabasi Odia Paribar Award 2019. Professionally he has conducted more than 11000 cancer surgeries and was a pioneer in establishing and modernizing surgical oncology in some of the major hospitals in Delhi NCR. He did his graduation and post-graduation from SCB Medical College, Cuttack. He enhanced his surgical skills M.Ch and Fellowship in Surgical Oncology from Gujarat Cancer Research Institute (GCRI), Ahmedabad. He has held several positions during his career in various hospitals. Dr. Pawan has published 30 papers in National and International journals and is actively involved in several research projects. He is an active member of the Telemedicine Society of India, India Association of Surgical Oncology, Association of Surgeons of India, and Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology. He is seen as a mentor of strayed souls, and a soothing balm to those tormented by cancer.

One thought on “PRISm – A COPD Risk factor and Smoking Cessation advocated by ICanCaRe”

  1. It is well known that there is an Increased risk of Asthma in Children exposed to secondhand smoke.
    Good work by Organizations like ICanCare dedicated to Tobacco cessation will lead to an Endgame tobacco
    Best wishes

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