#5th  ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

#5th  ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

The fifth Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists will be on 16th January 2023 Monday 9-10 pm.


Tutorial Co-ordinator – Dr. Mariya Tambawala 9924259452 dr.mariyasham@gmail.com

Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala 8959215915 | Dr. Monalee 9969403133 | Dr. Nikita Dwivedi 6394047903

1. Case presentation and Discussion – Dr. Pawan

2. COTPA rules by Dr. Rajesh Gupta of SIPHER. Gave details about the regulations in India to control tobacco

4. TRISCaRe – MR Associates how to make it available to you through contacts