Meeting Dr. Umesh Gautam the Mayor of Bareilly.

What can be more exciting than meeting the most dynamic MAYOR of India! Yes,
I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Umesh Gautam, who has been recognized as the
best, innovative, and dynamic Mayor of India. He has changed the city of
Bareilly. Dr. Gautam is also the CHANCELLOR of INVERTIS
Present during the meeting was also his father Mr. K. K. Gautam, retired DSP of UP, a big personality in himself. I was introduced to Dr. Umesh by him.

Bareilly is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is
known for its strategic location as a connecting town to the Himalayan
mountains and the Indo-Nepal border. Bareilly has a rich cultural heritage and
a history of trade and commerce. As the gateway to the mountains, Bareilly is a
rich business town. Dr. Umesh Gautam has brought an evident change in the
entire city since his first election as MAYOR and was given a resounding
victory for the second term. The roads, the sewerage system, water supply
speak for his dedication to the city.

SENSITIZING About ICanCaRe – SAVE the Youth Campaign – I discussed my SAVE the Youth campaign for the menace of tobacco. The harms
– First hand, Second hand, third hand, and more importantly the fourth hand.
TOBACCO IS THE BIGGEST ENVIRONMENT HAZARD and the long-term harm to the soil,
water, and air is irreversible. I suggested that BAREILLY under his leadership
should be the model for a TOBACCO-free India. The meeting lasted for 2 hours,
and he grasped each and every aspect of SAVE (SENSITIZATION, ASSISTANCE,
VOLUNTEER CAPACITY BUILDING, and ENFORCEMENT) and how all aspect of society is affected and can be involved. He assured all help to ICanCaRe to promote the cause in Bareilly. 

CANCER in Bareilly – Health is another issue that he wants to do more for the people of Bareilly and also the mountain area to which Bareilly is the lifeline. He said cancer is on the rise and people are not able to get the correct treatment. There is a
need for ultramodern hospital facilities in the area.

Awareness, prevention, and Treatment are needed for the future and have to
be worked upon.

I visited the University campus and was astonished by the huge classes,
library, hostel facility, recreational and sports facilities, and the huge
auditorium with 2000 sitting arrangements. The lush green campus with green
buildings was testimony to the student and environment-friendly management.

Later, I visited the MISSION HOSPITAL and came to know that the hospital is
almost 100 years old and built on 33 acres of land in the center of the city.
It was the busiest center during the pandemic and saved many a life. It caters
to people in Bareilly and adjoining areas including the Mountain connecting
Nainital, Almora, etc.

It was a great feeling meeting and listening to Dr. Umesh Gautam. God Bless.


Protecting my “GOPAL” (SRIJAY) from tobacco menace

As a father, it is my responsibility to protect my GOPAL, from the tobacco menace that is plaguing our society. With so much advertisement and easy availability, my little one is always at risk that he may get hooked on tobacco. E-cigarettes becoming a fashion statement in many high schools, so it becomes even more imperative that I educate my child against nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and even a single puff or chew may be enough to hook the young one. At the start, it may be a pleasure but soon it proves to be a painful death sentence. I cannot allow my GOPAL to become a scapegoat and a sacrificial goat. Tobacco is a harmful substance that can cause various diseases, such as cancer, heart problems, and lung damage. It can also affect the mental and emotional health of the user, as well as the people around them. Tobacco addiction is hard to overcome, and it can ruin lives and relationships.

That’s why I decided to educate my child about the dangers of tobacco from an early age. I wanted to instill in him a sense of responsibility and awareness and to help him make informed choices. I also wanted to be a good role model for him, by not smoking or using any tobacco products myself. I believe that parents have a crucial role in preventing their children from falling into the tobacco trap.

Here are some of the strategies that I used to protect my young one from tobacco:

– I talked to him openly and honestly about the effects of tobacco on the body and mind. I used facts and statistics to show him how tobacco can harm his health and well-being. I also explained to him how tobacco companies target young people with their marketing and advertising, and how they manipulate them into becoming addicted.

– I listened to his questions and concerns and answered them patiently and respectfully. I did not judge or criticize him for being curious or tempted by tobacco. I tried to understand his perspective and feelings and to empathize with him. I also encouraged him to express his opinions and thoughts, and to share his experiences and challenges with me.

– I supported him in developing his self-esteem and confidence. I praised him for his achievements and talents, and for his positive qualities and values. I also helped him cope with stress and difficulties, and to find healthy ways to relax and have fun. I showed him that he does not need tobacco to feel good or fit in with others.

– I involved him in activities that promote his physical and mental health. I encouraged him to exercise regularly, eat well, sleep well, and stay hydrated. I also introduced him to hobbies and interests that he enjoys, such as music, art, sports, and reading. I made sure that he had enough time and space to pursue his passions and goals.

– I monitored his exposure to tobacco in the media and in his social circle. I limited his access to movies, shows, games, or websites that glamorize or normalize tobacco use. I also talked to him about peer pressure and how to deal with it. I taught him how to say no to tobacco offers, and how to avoid or leave situations where tobacco is present.

By following these strategies, I was able to protect my young one from the tobacco menace. He is now a healthy, happy, and responsible teenager who does not smoke or use any tobacco products. He is also aware of the risks of tobacco, and he is determined to stay away from it. He is proud of himself for making smart choices, and so am I. He is a role model for his classmates. He is a proud TOBACCO MARSHAL! He has become a role model and is depicted as MASCOT ‘SRIJAY’ for ICanCaRe. He is now staying in a hostel away from me but I am confident he will not get into the trap of tobacco or vapes.

I plead to all parents to SAVE the YOUTH our future generation from disaster of tobacco. Be a TOBACCO MARSHAL and learn the 8Rs of Tobacco and the way to communicate with the upcoming generation. we invite you to join as TOBACCO MARSHAL today. Together, we can create a tobacco-free generation and a healthier world for everyone.

Join the ICanCaRe Tobacco MARSHAL ( program – mail to

Join the ICanCaRe FB community and remain connected –

#icancare #tobaccomarshal #icancareacademy #sonalbhatia #pawangupta #savetheyouth

(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, Patparganj, and Noida. He is the author of the books – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation at Gujarat University, and has trained more than 1000 doctors to be tobacco cessation specialists).

Book your appointment today to start a healthy tobacco/smoke-free life with the best in class tobacco/smoking cessation experts at or call 011-430-77695 for help. Download the ICanCaRe e-cessation app for quitting smoking and tobacco at

One Intervention can Change the World – SAVE The Youth

The annual day of the Pusa Association Of Retired Agriculture Scientists, ICAR- Indian Agriculture Research Institute was marked with a motivational speech for action by Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Motivational speaker, Social activist, and a CANCER SURGEON par excellence.

The enthusiastic retired group of young people participated abundantly in sharing their experiences.

Dr. Pawan emphasized defining OUR world and working toward its happiness which will come with the best of health. Involving and engaging with the next generation, sharing their experiences and letting the next generation know mistakes they did in their lifetime which should not be repeated .

The way we live determines the way we die – the youth is the time when we have to take correct informed decisions which will determine the future.

INDIA has the highest number of Oral Cancers in the World. Most die or live miserable life. MAX manpower and technology have changed the way we look at ORAL CANCERs. With the massive community involvement, the outcome of oral cancers has improved both in terms of Quality and quantity of life.

Dr. Pawan Gupta presented the importance of the SAVE the youth campaign in any organisation and having TOBACCO MARSHALs on the premises.

Tobacco is the root cause of 200 other chronic diseases which is the cause of excessive morbidity in society. And it is the highest pollutant on earth.

Defining our own WORLD and intervening as TOBACCO MARSHAL to save the youth as

  • Tobacco is the most addictive substance in the WORLD.
  • The industry is working overtime to make it available and entice the Youth.
  • It is the gateway to other addictions.
  • OUR CHILDREN ARE AT RISK – they are the target of the tobacco Industry!
  • Tobacco is a disease and needs to be treated as a disease and it is possible to quit with proper medications by a Tobacco Cessation Specialist.
  • TOBACCO CESSATION and ORAL CARE CENTRES are needed, like the one at MAX VAISHALI and more have to be set up.
  • Establishing tobacco users need centered activities will see a decrease in the medical bill over a period of time. Any investment in this will bring a major change for society.
  • TRISCaRe the innovative mouth opener device was also demonstrated, which is a need for chewers for the unique disease Submucous fibrosis.

Dr. R.S. Paroda, Dr. Bhag Mal, Dr. D.V.Singh, Dr. Umesh Srivastava, Dr. K.K.Tyagi, Dr. S.K.Jain, Dr. J.L.Karihaloo presented the token of appreciation to Dr. Pawan Gupta and appreciated the concept of TOBACCO MARSHALs and also for establishing ICanCaRe tobacco users clinic in the units.

ICanCaRe with its expertise in Tobacco Control would be very happy to collaborate with PARAS to make ICAR Tobacco Free.

The program was nicely conducted and Participants showed interest to become tobacco MARSHAL to have a sustained effect in society against tobacco and drugs.

#MAX #SaveTheYouth #tobaccomarshal #icancare #pawangupta #PARAS