OCTC BATCH OF FEBRUARY 2023 Conducted by ICanCaRe Academy accredited by Gujarat University scholarship by Bajaj Electricals Foundation
We welcome the third Scholarship batch of 2022-23 for the Gujarat University Accredited ORIENTATION COURSE IN TOBACCO CESSATION certificate course (www.icancare.in/academy/octc).
The Scholarship (www.icancare.in/academy/scholarship) to promote Capacity Building for Tobacco Cessation and Oral Care is funded by Bajaj Electricals Foundation through the I CAN WIN Foundation a part of the capacity building for tobacco cessation and oral cancer control #SAVEtheyouth campaign.
The Orientation Course in Tobacco Cessation (OCTC) is a step towards learning the intricacies of the complex tobacco cessation intervention. It is an intensive 4 weeks course with 8 hours of exclusive live sessions online 2 hours once a week.
The participants of the course are exposed to practical clinically validated digitalized protocol to set up or scale up tobacco cessation practice and have the opportunity to:
- Certificate from Gujarat University
- Digitally transform cessation practices.
- Get access to ICanCaRe E-Cessation APP. www.app.icancare.in
- Be part of the ICanCaRe Virtual Clinic.
- Exclusive Tobacco E-Pharmacy & Quit Coach support.
- Opportunities to initiate research with Gujarat University.
- Join the growing network of India’s 500+ topmost Cessation experts.
The 3rd BAJAJ OCTC batch is of selected doctors from various disciplines – dental, radiotherapy, Head and neck oncologist, Psychiatry, ENT, Psychology, etc.
TOBACCO CESSATION PROMOTION SCHOLARSHIP 2022-23. To apply for the Scholarship http://www.icancare.in/academy/scholarship or WA 6309437912. Only limited seats are available for eligible candidates.
#OCTC #icancareacademy #icancare #bajajelectricalsfoundation #tobaccocessation #tobaccocourses #pawangupta #reenarkumar
