Tobacco Withdrawals – Managing Constipation

Now Constipation can be Easily Managed Upon Quitting Tobacco/Smoking

Constipation is one of the most common withdrawal symptoms associated with Long use of tobacco in any form, either smoking or chewing. Taking tobacco as first thing in the morning or before going to the washroom is associated with smooth bowel evacuation. Mostly this is psychological and rarely a physical dependency.

Washroom – has been the best hiding place, and you enjoyed your tobacco
peacefully here!

The Abdominal symptoms like constipation may also be related to the changes you are making in your routine since quitting tobacco.

Some of the causes to be noted are:

  1. Change in food – Change in diet pattern and type of food tends to be part of the quit plan. Frequency of food intake increase and also food is used as an alternative to cravings.
  2. Stress – Anxiety and stress related to quitting tobacco or routine work may manifest physically as abdominal symptoms.
  3. Physical Activity – For many there is likely to be change in physical activity one tends to become inactive, lethargic in the early days of quit journey. These may be contributor to the abdominal symptoms
  4. Medications – check the medicines you are taking some of the medicines might be having constipation as side effects. Some common medicines like painkillers (tramadol) has side effects of constipation. Varenicline used for quitting tobacco may cause nausea and constipation

These may trouble you initially but resolves very quickly in a few days.

The withdrawal symptoms needs to be noted and addressed, it may require behavioral intervention and many a times require medications for coping up with it as given below:

  • Deep Breathing and Meditation may calm control your anxiety and stress.
  • Light physical activity – walk, cycling etc helps
  • Water intake as a routine. Water 2 glasses early morning and  half an hour before food – keeps you hydrated avoids bloating and aids digestion and softens stools to ease motions. (Related Reading –
  • Add fibres to your diet – fruits, vegetables etc
  • Warm Lemon water with honey in the morning
  • Jeera water as it has wonderful effects on your intestine
  • Warm milk with haldi at night
  • Medicines  – Isabgol, Lactulose, Rarely pegylated glycol may be required
  • Medicines to increase motility of intestine may be given when absolutely required
  • Allopathic medicines like Proton pump inhibitors, digestive enzymes, liver enzymes may be required and to be taken under guidance and prescription of specialists.

The digestive imbalance can be taken care with proper intervention and make your journey to freedom from slavery of tobacco easy.

The ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Program incorporates all the above in the digitized protocol based intervention program designed by Mr. Rishabh Agrawal, Director and CEO, ICanCaRe.

ICanCaRe team of Certified tobacco Cessation Specialists and Quit Coaches work with you to make your journey smooth, easy, interesting and achievable.

ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres with its India’s first digital protocol based assessment process guide intervention as per requirements.

Do visit the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres or register online by visiting our page or call ICanCaRe quitline 011-43077695.

Jeera Water – A Cure to Constipation

Often many people experience constipation and the reasons can be many. It can happen from improper and incorrect diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, travel or other changes in routine and quitting smoking.

Many solutions are available which includes medication, ayurvedic treatment, yoga aasanas, homeopathic treatment, Indian churan and more. In this blog I’m going to enumerate a very easy, simple and quick way to help you with your bowel movements in the morning – having half glass of hot Jeera water daily before sleeping. It has proven effective for many people especially the smokers who are trying to quit smoking and chewing.

Many people have a glass or more of hot water in the morning, some have honey water, some have lemon water etc. to help them in passing motions. This is another way that can be added to routine to help with bowel movements. It has other benefits like it reduced acidity and gas, helps in weight loss and also mitigates the knee pain in many cases. 

Jeera Water – A Quick Way to End Constipation and Acidity!

How to make jeera (cumin) water?

In 1.5 glasses of water add

  • 1 tea spoon of whole jeera (cumin seeds),
  • 1 tea spoon sauf (fennel) and
  • 1/4 tea spoon of ajwain


  • Put the entire mixture to boil on high flames
  • Once it starts boiling, lower the flames and let it be on the low flames for 20-25 minutes till it becomes half a glass of water
  • Allow it to cool to an extent you can drink (it should be hot when you drink)
  • Drink before going to bed
  • Ensure that you do not add any sugar, salt or honey to it.

The mixture will taste bland but you need to drink it as is.

This practice will bring you in healthy shape within a week’s time. Those having severe acidity and problems of gas should intake this without fail to mitigate their acidity. It will reduce your acidity medicine intake and bring it to zero. You will not need any medicine to cure your acidity, gas and constipation ever!

It is always better to choose natural methods of healing over medicine for it will make you healthier and boost your immunity at the same time.