5 Phases of Tobacco Use

Tobacco is fun, it’s cool. This is what a new tobacco user may say, thanks to the advertisement and glamour attached. Ask a person who has used it for some years and he will spill the truth.

These are the phases of tobacco use that start with experimentation and end with a painful death. 

EXPERIMENT phase – this always starts with peer pressure, generally by advertisement, or a senior or a friend pushing the person to have one. Two things can happen – instant hate, or causal acceptance. Most people hate it from day one and would never ever take it, it tastes horrible and feels pathetic. But some misguided or those who are going through a low phase would like to experiment more, the dopamine surge gives instant pleasure, and that’s the beginning. Now the companies are luring the youth by introducing fancy articles like e-cigarettes and sheesha, hookahs, etc. These are being marketed as a fashion symbol for the youths, which is the beginning of the end.

NEED – BRAIN CRAVING – The experiment which was a fun and instant pleasure, mediated by dopamine surge is now regularly needed by the brain. In this phase, there is a craving and a demand for the brain, and the person uses it to seek pleasure instantly. The person is still in control and can stop. Most would stop, some would become occasional users, and others would progress. Most who stop are aware of the future and they have better means of seeking pleasure, they are health-seeking individuals have support from home. They have to be counseled at the right time, if they go beyond this phase it is going to be difficult.

ADDICTION – WITHDRAWAL, DISEASE – Now the brain is getting adopted, the brain cannot work without the dose of nicotine. The person who was in control now is in control of nicotine. When he/she stops, he/she has withdrawal symptoms. His/her behavior is changed, he/she is no more normal, and he has become a slave of tobacco. Signs of diseases caused by tobacco are visible, but he/she overlooks them. His/her life is in turmoil, loss of respect in society. He/she would need intensive intervention to quit tobacco.

DISEASED and SUFFERING – Now the person is symptomatic, visibly with the diseases due to tobacco like – cardiac, pulmonary, neurological, or cancer and others. He is repenting the day he started tobacco, but the brain is not ready to leave him. The severe withdrawals make him take tobacco again and again. The journey ahead is treacherously laden with fear and pain. He is seeking help to quit tobacco. They are no more in denial but have accepted the fact that tobacco is harming them. They are easy to quit because now the brain is sending them signals that if you continue further, you will have trouble. With proper support, they quit. The quit has its beneficial effect, but the damage that is done will only progress!

The incurable disease will take its toll with suffering and pain!

DEATH – That’s what they start seeking because of the pain they are going through.  Death is inevitable. The journey ENDS. With the hope of a new beginning in the next life!


Tobacco is a disease; the best is never to start. Tobacco industries are now enticing the new generation with newer forms, packaging, and flavors. One has to be smart and do not start. For those who have started it is important they quit the earliest. Quitting needs hand-holding by a certified tobacco cessation specialist. Look for someone around you or call 011-43077695 or download the app- ICanCaRe at http://app.icancare.in

Every day 5500 youths are trapped and they start tobacco and every day 3700 are dying a painful death. We have to change this scenario. Every unit must have a TOBACCO MARSHAL. Join as a Tobacco MARSHAL to SAVE the youth! http://icancare.in/academy/marshal


(The Author – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. is Director of Surgical Oncology at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali. Patparganj and Noida. He is the author of the book – Win Over Tobacco Made Easy, Be Smart Do Not Start and is highly recognized for his work on Oral Cancer and Tobacco Cessation. He is the convenor for the Certified Course in Tobacco Cessation under Gujarat University. He launched the #SAVEtheyouth campaign and Tobacco MARSHALs in the community)

The article has been critically reviewed by Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, Master Lakshay Srijay Gupta, and Shubh Bhatia


Tobacco Harm Reduction or Complete Cessation. SAVE the Youth. Dr. Pawan Gupta

Dr. Pawan Gupta speaks about Tobacco Harm Reduction or Complete Cessation at a Round Table on Harm Reduction – Risks and Benefits organized by Policy Circle led by Mr. Anil Nair on 4th September 2022 at India International Centre, Delhi.


Dr. Pawan insists on dedicated Tobacco Cessation Centres by Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists who really work with the patient to completely quit tobacco. NRT available in various forms is a mediator for behavior change to be used for a limited period on the patient with the goal of complete cessation.

SAVE the youth campaign by ICanCaRe is a complete end-to-end intervention program for Tobacco Cessation and Control. ICanCaRe is the only organization working dedicatedly and successfully Tobacco Cessation program at MAX Vaishali. It now intends to collaborate with other hospitals to set up similar programs.

#pawangupta #policycircle #icancare #tobaccocessation #harmreduction #icancareacademy #quitsmoking #quittobacco #lotty


Breakfast with ROTARY DISTRICT GOVERNOR 3100 – Sri Dinesh K Sharma on 24th August 2022

Dr. Pawan Gupta had a breakfast meeting with Rotary District Governor 3100 Sri Dinesh K Sharma at Sikandrabad on 24th August 2022.

Discussed various social programs that can be done together for the benefit of society at large.

Dr. Pawan Gupta explained the essence of SAVE the youth campaign being successfully run by ICanCaRe. Tobacco is the biggest killer and every day youths are inducted into this deadly disease. Dineshji and Sagarji extended their support for the campaign and wished to explore more to collaborate.

Sure with Rotary club would plan some impactful events soon.

Dr. Pawan Gupta was felicitated and presented with the ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3100 DIRECTORY 2022-23.

Also present were RTN Mr. Sagar Sharma and IW Mrs. Payal Gaur Sharma.

#icancare #rotary #Dineshkumarsharma #pawangupta #rotarydistrict3100



Rotary International 3100 District Governor Sri Dinesh Kumar Sharma presenting District Directory to Dr. Pawan Gupta Founder, ICanCaRe