Inner Wheel District 304 join hands with ICanCaRe to launch #SAVEtheyouth from Tobacco.

Inner Wheel District 304, motivated by Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, Tobacco MARSHAL leader, join hands with ICanCaRe to promote Tobacco Control – SAVE the youth from Tobacco and build manpower to work towards tobacco endgame.

The initiation was when District Chairman Mrs Shashi Shukla had an online meeting with her district Presidents and Members on “WOMEN AS TOBACCO MARSHALS TO SAVE THE YOUTH” and introduction of the concept of Tobacco MARSHALs on 25th February 2023.

More than 120 including presidents and members of district 304 attended the meet with the outcome of enthusiasm to work for a better and healthier society as TOBACCO MARSHALs. Mrs Shashi stressed that tobacco is omnipresent, and it is important that inner wheel members come forward to tame the tambaku-asur.

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia, leader Tobacco MARSHAL a great motivator and who achieved a target of 1000 tobacco MARSHAL in 5 months during her tenure as DC of 310  was great appreciated for her pioneering work as a Tobacco Marshal along with her members . Her unique endeavour to reach out to the rural areas and create sensitization followed by training of 550 tobacco MINI-MARSHALs of NCC girls from the rural background was applauded and sought to be used as an example to follow by all to increase our reach and penetration in the most needed areas in our country .It is  Important for  capacity building, to get more and more girls and  women involved as Tobacco MARSHALs or MINI- MARSHALs to widen the campaign. (

Dr. Pawan Gupta, Dr. Reena R Kumar,  Dr. Pravesh Singh and Mr. Rishabh Agrawal from ICanCaRe delivered a talk at a webinar on ( 25/02/2023  1500- 1700 hrs ) emphasizing  on the damages thrust on  women by tobacco and how women can become the shakti against Tobacco by commitment and empowerment by training.

Dr. Pravesh Singh, the first Teacher TOBACCO MARSHAL of India, said how as a TOBACCO MARSHAL was empowered to  create transformation  in her Institute. Teachers have a major role to play in the life of students and can instill right thoughts in the mind of a child from the very beginning.

Rishabh showcased the ICanCaRe APP ( which is a handy tool to self educate for the addicts and learn about the harms of tobacco .

Members expressed their enthusiasm to become TOBACCO MARSHAL and SAVE the youth from the menace of tobacco. Mrs. Beena Shah, Vice-Chairman of Inner Wheel District also expressed her full support and to carry on this as a project during her tenure

Interest from the audience evoked numerous questions at the webinar.  It was agreed that it is important that we start tobacco control from our home and go on to increase our area of influence in society. Every woman should be empowered to save the present and future generation from the  TAMBAKUASUR

Mrs. Sonal Bhatia expressed her gratitude as her wish to achieve 10000 tobacco MARSHALS gains momentum with the inner wheel district joining  her in her mission to SAVE the youth- NO ONE SHOULD DIE BECAUSE OF TOBACCO.

It is really heartening to note that district 304 of Inner Wheel involved with District Chairman, Mrs. Shashi Shukla, is all set in taking the lead. She assured that more and more members will get involved.

  1. To become a tobacco MARSHAL one has to register on and pay a fee of Rs.1450/-. The course would be conducted by experts as per guidelines that will be followed for a standardized and timely upgraded course by ICanCaRe.
  2. Knowledge – 4 hours of live interaction in 2 hours sessions. 8 modules. By experts.
  3. The Topic will contain the following encompassing the following requirements: RELEVANCE, RISK, REWARDS, ROADBLOCKS, RECOGNITION, RESPOND, REFER, and RESPONSIBILITY

The journey has become for the NARI SHAKTI to end the menace of tambaku-ashur,

#innerwheel #innerwheel304 #innerwheel310 #sonalbhatia #shashishukla #praveshsingh #pawagupta #reenarkumar #tobaccomarshal #icancare #womenhealthinitiative #womenhealth

Dr. Pawan Gupta at the 2nd National Consultation for Smokeless Tobacco

Dr. Pawan Gupta, Director of Surgical Oncology HN, MAX Institute of Cancer Care – EZ and Founder of ICanCaRe was invited faulty at the 2nd National Consultation for Smokeless Tobacco held at India International Centre, New Delhi from 21st to 23rd February 2023.

It is an honour to be invited to deliver a talk at the  august gathering of stalwarts who are at the helm of changing the scenario for Smokeless Tobacco.

The Consultation is conducted by NICPR, MOHFW with The UNION with SEEDS as partner.

Dr. Pawan Gupta being a clinician presented his experience as the changing force for SLT management in clinics. His practical experience with the SLT patients presenting with oral lesions is common.  “GROUND REALITIES FOR SLT” Chair of the session were Dr. Suneela Garg and Dr. Preeti Kumar.

Dr. Pawan Gupta emphasized that Tobacco Cessation in India is different and the western methodology cannot be just copied for our Indian patients. The Indians have different sorts of problems and each problem needs to be addressed independently. Tobacco cessation is now available, feasible, and effective. ICanCaRe has evolved the methodology over a period of time and simplified it by laying down some simple protocols – put as ABCD of Tobacco Cessation. A standard intervention but customized for the individual as per digital protocol on the ICanCaRe app ( has borne results.

The simplified protocol needs to be amplified with the involvement of everyone across society. People need specialists who can successfully treat this complex disease of Tobacco Addiction. ICanCaRe academy trains people at three different levels to get involved in tobacco control – TOBACCO MARSHAL, TOBACCO AMBASSADORS, and TOBACCO INTERVENTION SPECIALISTS (  The course has been accredited by Gujarat University and is an intensive practical course to introduce standardized intervention for tobacco cessation across India. We need to have effective tobacco cessation clinics across India manned by a trained and skilled specialists, visibly present and networked with other specialists to benefit their patients.

Dr Pawan Gupta also showcased the TRISCaRe for trismus care the Innovative mouth opener device needed for the SLT and Areca nut users who have Submucous Fibrosis.

First ever private Quitline number – 011-43077695 and also multilinguistic virtual clinic with E-Pharmacy for tobacco is unique to ICanCaRe.  Resource books – Tobacco Cessation –  a Comprehensive Guidelines, Win over Tobacco – made Easy, Be Smart Do not Start, Making an Institute Tobacco Free – Guidelines and Campaigns – #SAVEtheYouth, #ChotaDaana, #Knowtobacco #tobaccomarshal are unique intervention that may be widely adopted.

Scholarship for the OCTC has been made available of limited seats with the funding received from Bajaj Electricals Foundation through I CAN WIN FOUNDATION.

The ICanCaRe campaign #ADVISEQUITTOBACCO is to promote to all the HCPs so that they are inclusive in the tobacco cessation program.

Co-participants for the panel included Dr. Vikrant Mohanty, Dr. Shalini Gupta, Mrs. Mira Aghi, and Dr J.S.Rana.

Tobacco is a public problem and it is important that everyone gets involved and stand strong to subdue the Tobacco Industry.

#SLT #SMOKELESSTOBACCO #NICPR #pawangupta #ICanCaRe #ICanCaReacademy #tobaccomarshal

Pledge to Advice Quit Tobacco – Interaction with Doctors And Paramedics Of Bhardwaj Hospital

PLEDGE TO ADVICE QUIT TOBACCO – Interaction with doctors and paramedics of Bhardwaj Hospital

Schedule: 18th February 2023 Time: 2:30 pm onwards

An interactive session with enthusiastic members staff of Bhardwaj Hospital Sector 29, Noida as part of #oraloncologyconnect CME and #advisequittobacco was conducted

The program was arranged by Mr. Kunwar Chauhan and his team of MAX Vaishali Sales.

The program was coordinated by Dr. Saurabh Gupta  administrator of the Hospital and Dr. Abhishek Kumar, a Physician with a special interest in tobacco related diseases.

The Interactive oral oncology connects sessions were attended by 53 doctors and paramedics.

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director HN MAX Hospital, Founder of ICanCaRe, and MASTER trainer convenor for Tobacco Courses interacted with the participant and gave the following messages to them

  • Tobacco is a disease and not just an habit, it has to be treated as a disease.
  • Tobacco cessation is possible – Medical Treatment is available
  • SPECIALISED TOBACCO CESSATION SPECIALIST are now available and they should be consulted for cessation.
  • Courses are available and delivered by ICanCaRe for the doctors and paramedics.
  • Every hospital should have ORAL CARE and TOBACCO CESSATION CENTRE at prominent visible location.

Dr Pawan Gupta emphasized that it is a moral duty of all health care professionals to ADVISE QUIT TOBACCO to all their patients and others also.

There was special interest in knowing about tobacco-related cancers and how to control the same. especially in chewing tobacco which is so rampant in India. Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director of Cancer Surgeons, MAX Hospital, Patparganj, and Vaishali, made them aware that quitting tobacco is possible and that one can quit tobacco with proper intervention by a Tobacco Cessation Specialist. TRISCaRe the innovative mouth opener device was also demonstrated. Dr. Pawan apprised that besides being a fine surgeon he is also the MASTER TRAINER of Tobacco Cessation courses run by Gujarat University and conducted by ICanCaRe.

The main emphasis was on involving the first echelon doctors for controlling the biggest killer cancer of India which is head and neck cancers and prevention with tobacco cessation and early detection by regular examination.

#MAX #oraloncologyconnect #icancare #icancareacademy #pawangupta #tobaccomarshal #advisequittobacco #savetheyouth