– Dr Pawan Gupta at the 26th NZIAPSM CON at MMIMSR, Mullana, AMBALA
In a groundbreaking session at the 26th North Zone Annual Conference at MMIMSR, Mullana, Ambala, Dr. Pawan Gupta, a distinguished surgical oncologist and pioneer in Tobacco Cessation Intervention, delivered a resounding message – tobacco is a curable disease and oral cancer can be controlled with the right interventions. The talk was chaired by Dr. Sonu Goel and Dr. Jai Kishan
Dr. Gupta, the Founder Director of ICanCaRe and Senior Director of Surgical Oncology at MAX Institute of Cancer Care, Vaishali, Delhi NCR emphasized the critical need to treat tobacco as a disease for a 100% success rate in curing it. His #advisequittobacco campaign urges healthcare professionals to adopt the “ASK, ADVISE, and REFER” approach, recognizing the moral responsibility and ethical practice of incorporating Tobacco Cessation into healthcare.
During his talk on “Newer Strategies for Tobacco Cessation and Oral Care,” Dr. Gupta unveiled innovative approaches, including the highly successful #ABCDtobaccocessation method and the Chota daana campaign. This approach, coupled with the ICanCaRe Tobacco Cessation protocol, has achieved a remarkable 100% quit rate. Dr. Gupta also showcased TrisCaRe, an ingenious mouth-opening device designed to assist betel nut users in quitting tobacco and mouth-opening due to submucous fibrosis.
The ICanCaRe Academy, under the #SAVEtheyouth initiative, collaborates with the Indian Association of Public and Social Medicine (IAPSM) to build capacity for effective tobacco control. This comprehensive program involves sensitization, digital interventions, and the creation of a network comprising Tobacco Marshals, Ambassadors, and Cessation Specialists. Over 1,000 doctors have been trained through the ICanCaRe Academy, contributing to a promising future for a tobacco-free society.
Dr. Gupta’s call for an “Advice Quit Tobacco” campaign underscores the pivotal role healthcare professionals play in addressing the root cause of various diseases associated with tobacco consumption. He stresses that no disease can be fully cured if patients continue to use tobacco.
Recognizing the complexity of tobacco as a disease and its role as a root cause of numerous health issues, ICanCaRe’s capacity-building program aims to reach across India through the #SAVEtheyouth campaign. This initiative involves sensitizing against tobacco, assisting users to quit through a digital protocol intervention, volunteer training for capacity building, and enforcing a tobacco-free society. ICanCaRe looks forward to collaborating with Institutes to set a center of Excellence for Capacity building for Tobacco Cessation.
Dr. Gupta’s extensive research has led to the establishment of a simplified digital Tobacco Cessation protocol on the ICanCaRe Tobacco Cessation APP, and he is the author of several books on this subject. His commitment to educating the medical community and the public is evident through the success of ICanCaRe Academy’s training programs.
As a gesture of gratitude, ICanCaRe extends thanks to the 26th NZIAPSM Annual Conference organizing team, especially Dr. Anshu Mittal and Dr. Saras Sanchaya, for their invitation to this enlightening event.
The future looks promising for the #ICanCaRe initiative, as young doctors at the conference express eagerness to implement the ICanCaRe protocol in their future practices. Dr. Pawan Gupta’s mission for a tobacco-free society gains momentum, providing hope and inspiration for a healthier tomorrow.
#ICanCaRe #ICanCaReAcademy #PawanGupta #SAVEtheyouth #TobaccoFree #TobaccoMarshal #CTCS #OCTC #NZIAPSMCON #anshumittal #IAPSM #TobaccoCessation #anshumittal #sonugoel #sarassanchaya #TobaccoCessationIntervention #CapacityBuildingForTobaccoCessation