The Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth Campaign with ICanCaRe

The Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth Campaign with ICanCaRe

Welcome note to the Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth
Campaign with ICanCaRe following the introductory program on 18.9.2023

It was a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the COUNCIL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
following the successful introductory program held on 18th September 2023. 7
members of the team attended the online introduction. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
with its mission to work with the youths has its presence in Telangana and
Andra States. The group consists of a varied group of enthusiastic doctors
working on the ground level.

Dr. Pawan Gupta introduced the SAVE the Youth Campaign of ICanCaRe, an
initiative dedicated to empowering and safeguarding the youth against the
challenges posed by substance abuse, particularly tobacco consumption. The
introductory program shed light on our mission, objectives, and the
collaborative efforts needed to create a healthier and happier community.

Now, more than ever, we understand the imperative need for collective action
to protect our youth from the detrimental effects of tobacco use.

We look forward to the council to actively engaging in the SAVE the Youth
Campaign, and collaborate with us in creating educational programs, awareness
campaigns, and policy advocacy initiatives that will significantly contribute
to reduce tobacco usage among the youth.

The partnership and expertise will greatly enhance the impact of this
initiative, fostering a healthier environment for future generations.

We look forward to enthusiastic participation and to working together for
the betterment of our community.


#icancare #icancareacademy #icancareepharmacy #savetheyouth
#pawangupta #councilofpublichealth #telangana #andhra

#13th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

#13th ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

On 15th September 2023, the 13th tutorial was conducted for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists.

Two cases were discussed

  1. Dr. Mariya discussed her case of a chronic tobacco chewer for 40 years. The discussion was on how to manage this difficult case who has not been able to quit for more than 1 month.

Members present guided her to go turkey with the p[patient giving combination therapy. To follow the ABCD intervention mode and ensure WMACD compliance.

  • Dr. Anshika shared her experience of a patient who had successfully quit with her. He was an asthmatic patient on 40-50 cigarettes for 15 years. He went cold turkey and in 6 weeks’ time is completely tobacco-free and is on maintenance therapy now.
  • Dr. Nilam discussed wanted guidance for her case of a president of the union in her organization who is ready to quit.

What some members have to say –

  • Siddhi – Wonderful session wid both smoking and smokeless form, and both cold turkey and gradual cessation form. 👍👌
  • Abhishek – Thank you so much for the shares. There is a lot of learning. Thank you.
  • Rakesh – Thank you so much, it was a learning experience.
  • Kshipra – It was great learning, thank you. Thanks a lot, everyone.

ICanCaRe Academy Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists (CTCS) is a monthly program on the 15th, from 9-10 PM. We welcome our CTCS to present complex cases on tobacco cessation for discussion and finding solutions for successful quitting. Please contact Dr. Mariya, Dr Siddhi, or Dr. Monalee for cases for tutorials.

ICanCaRe Academy encourages you to take part in our monthly session and learn in-depth details about practical tobacco cessation through cases discussed here.

To be a Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist go to

#icancareacademy #tutorial #icancare #siddhi #pawangupta #CTCS #icancare #mariya #monalee #reenarkumar

 (author of the blog –

Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala
MDS (Public Health Dentistry), CTCS(GU) – ICanCaRe
Assoc. Prof. & HoD
HDCH, Jabalpur)

India emerging as a major change for Photo-Dynamic therapy (PDT) and Photo-biomodulation (PBM) for Oral lesion management.

As a follow-up to my presentation and learning at the International Photodynamic Association Conference 2023 at FINLAND, and my quest to know more about photodynamic and photo-biomodulation for the oral cavity I was invited to the “WORKSHOP on PHOTOBIOMODULATION THERAPY IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER” at Indore on 11th September 2023 at the Indian Institute of Head and Neck Oncology, Indore.

It was an opportunity to understand the diverse use of the new modality of PBM and PDT in Oral Lesions. Although PDT has been available for quite some time and I have had some successful cases with PDT for oral cancers, the new molecules with fewer side effects and ease of use is going to change the way cancer will be treated in the future.

It is also good to know that so much is being done in this field in India and many takers for this.

I got to meet some of the pioneers in this field:

Dr. Praveen Arany, Past President of WALT (WORLD ASSOCIATION OF LASER THERAPY), Oral Biologist, Biomedical Engineering and Surgery, School of Dental Medicine, University of Buffalo, USA.

Dr. Rene Jene Bensandaoun, President, WORLD ASSOCIATION for PHOTOBIOMODULATION Therapy. He is from France and promoting PBM extensively the world over with new insights and use for the same.

Dr. Digpal Darkar, President of the Indian Institute of Head and Neck Oncology the pioneer and probably the first in India to do PBM for his patients of Oral cancers. He has shown that it is easy to do and gives immense relief to the patients. Would be starting the course on PBM at his Institute.

Dr. Rajkumari Sachdeva, ENT surgeon and HN oncologist is using the PBM for her patients extensively. She gave a demonstration of the same.

Here, I had the opportunity to meet the Director of RRCAT, Dr. Shankar V Nakhe, who invited me to his center where extensive research is being done for oral diagnosis and treatment with optics – spectroscopy, PBM, and PDT.  

The emerging technology and use of light as therapy and for the diagnosis of oral lesions it is going to change the way we treat oral lesions and cancers in the future.