India emerging as a major change for Photo-Dynamic therapy (PDT) and Photo-biomodulation (PBM) for Oral lesion management.

As a follow-up to my presentation and learning at the International Photodynamic Association Conference 2023 at FINLAND, and my quest to know more about photodynamic and photo-biomodulation for the oral cavity I was invited to the “WORKSHOP on PHOTOBIOMODULATION THERAPY IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER” at Indore on 11th September 2023 at the Indian Institute of Head and Neck Oncology, Indore.

It was an opportunity to understand the diverse use of the new modality of PBM and PDT in Oral Lesions. Although PDT has been available for quite some time and I have had some successful cases with PDT for oral cancers, the new molecules with fewer side effects and ease of use is going to change the way cancer will be treated in the future.

It is also good to know that so much is being done in this field in India and many takers for this.

I got to meet some of the pioneers in this field:

Dr. Praveen Arany, Past President of WALT (WORLD ASSOCIATION OF LASER THERAPY), Oral Biologist, Biomedical Engineering and Surgery, School of Dental Medicine, University of Buffalo, USA.

Dr. Rene Jene Bensandaoun, President, WORLD ASSOCIATION for PHOTOBIOMODULATION Therapy. He is from France and promoting PBM extensively the world over with new insights and use for the same.

Dr. Digpal Darkar, President of the Indian Institute of Head and Neck Oncology the pioneer and probably the first in India to do PBM for his patients of Oral cancers. He has shown that it is easy to do and gives immense relief to the patients. Would be starting the course on PBM at his Institute.

Dr. Rajkumari Sachdeva, ENT surgeon and HN oncologist is using the PBM for her patients extensively. She gave a demonstration of the same.

Here, I had the opportunity to meet the Director of RRCAT, Dr. Shankar V Nakhe, who invited me to his center where extensive research is being done for oral diagnosis and treatment with optics – spectroscopy, PBM, and PDT.  

The emerging technology and use of light as therapy and for the diagnosis of oral lesions it is going to change the way we treat oral lesions and cancers in the future.

Tobacco Cessation Strategies in Lung Cancer


I was invited to talk about the strategy of tobacco Cessation for lung cancer patients in the Symposium on Management of Early Lung Cancer at Maple Hall, India Habitat Centre on 12.5 .2023.

About 40 young Oncologists from across all Institutes in Delhi NCR gathered for the symposium convened by Dr. Satyapal Kataria and Dr. Anshul Gupta.

These young oncologists are different, they have special bonding, unlike the older oncologists who have compartmentalized themselves in their Institutions and work only to gain patients.

The discussion was rich and educative. I as an Onco-surgeon with in-depth research in tobacco cessation and running a successful tobacco cessation center at MAX gain an insight into the simplified methodology to successful tobacco cessation protocol-based intervention. ICanCaRe protocol is a salable, scalable, and sustainable model to be adopted by all institutions.

Tobacco Cessation, a preventive aspect of oncology is generally not a part of even major conferences but was accepted very well by the young oncologists. Each one felt that they need to do more and get involved for the better treatment and future of their patients. 100% said there is a great need for tobacco cessation in their practice. A cessation expert is needed in all the hospitals.

They were eager to know about the cessation methodology. Each was more than ready to incorporate #advicequittobacco in their practice.

Appreciate #anshulgupta #satyapalkataria for the wonderful meet.

#pawangupta #icancare #icancareacademy

Dr. Pawan Gupta at the Vision Odisha 2036/86

Dr. Pawan Gupta at the VISON ODISHA 2036/86 on 22nd April 2023 at the constitution club, New Delhi on the topic “Challenges in Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation.

As we develop the facilities will develop. We will have lots of hospitals coming up in private-public, with the latest equipment, etc.

But all the facilities will be overwhelmed by the increase in the number of patients, still, they will be insufficient. NCD -non-communicable diseases are going to increase exponentially. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, nephropathy, liver cirrhosis, cancer, stroke, cardiac, etc are on the increase. But importantly they are all preventable diseases. If we vision for 2036 and 2086 we have to work towards prevention 3 important – “The way we eat, the way we live, and the way we take care of ourselves”


1. TOBACCO and ALCOHOL – Control most diseases.

2. BAN PLASTICS – The micro-polymer is the biggest hazard to the environment, soil, and health.

3. WOMEN SANITATION – HYGIENE – universal availability of HPV Vaccine and Sanitary pads (reusable and environment friendly). Eradicate Cervical Cancer.



Education has to start at the school level. Lifestyle has to be adopted from childhood.

“HAR GHAR TOBACCO MARSHAL” – to start with we have to work to make our teachers Tobacco MARSHALs. Odisha is one of the highest consumers of tobacco and one of the highest in oral cancer. Tobacco causes 200 varieties of diseases. Mortality due to tobacco consumption is the highest. The consumption rate has increased to 51.5% population. This is the cause for concern.

Tobacco is the highest pollutant in the environment. Once controlled it will lead to environmental change.

EACH ONE OF US HAS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and make our ODISHA a beautiful state – free from tobacco. It is possible but we have to start now.

#pawangupta #icancare #icancareacademy #pov #visionodisha