Tobacco Withdrawals – Managing Constipation

Now Constipation can be Easily Managed Upon Quitting Tobacco/Smoking

Constipation is one of the most common withdrawal symptoms associated with Long use of tobacco in any form, either smoking or chewing. Taking tobacco as first thing in the morning or before going to the washroom is associated with smooth bowel evacuation. Mostly this is psychological and rarely a physical dependency.

Washroom – has been the best hiding place, and you enjoyed your tobacco
peacefully here!

The Abdominal symptoms like constipation may also be related to the changes you are making in your routine since quitting tobacco.

Some of the causes to be noted are:

  1. Change in food – Change in diet pattern and type of food tends to be part of the quit plan. Frequency of food intake increase and also food is used as an alternative to cravings.
  2. Stress – Anxiety and stress related to quitting tobacco or routine work may manifest physically as abdominal symptoms.
  3. Physical Activity – For many there is likely to be change in physical activity one tends to become inactive, lethargic in the early days of quit journey. These may be contributor to the abdominal symptoms
  4. Medications – check the medicines you are taking some of the medicines might be having constipation as side effects. Some common medicines like painkillers (tramadol) has side effects of constipation. Varenicline used for quitting tobacco may cause nausea and constipation

These may trouble you initially but resolves very quickly in a few days.

The withdrawal symptoms needs to be noted and addressed, it may require behavioral intervention and many a times require medications for coping up with it as given below:

  • Deep Breathing and Meditation may calm control your anxiety and stress.
  • Light physical activity – walk, cycling etc helps
  • Water intake as a routine. Water 2 glasses early morning and  half an hour before food – keeps you hydrated avoids bloating and aids digestion and softens stools to ease motions. (Related Reading –
  • Add fibres to your diet – fruits, vegetables etc
  • Warm Lemon water with honey in the morning
  • Jeera water as it has wonderful effects on your intestine
  • Warm milk with haldi at night
  • Medicines  – Isabgol, Lactulose, Rarely pegylated glycol may be required
  • Medicines to increase motility of intestine may be given when absolutely required
  • Allopathic medicines like Proton pump inhibitors, digestive enzymes, liver enzymes may be required and to be taken under guidance and prescription of specialists.

The digestive imbalance can be taken care with proper intervention and make your journey to freedom from slavery of tobacco easy.

The ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Program incorporates all the above in the digitized protocol based intervention program designed by Mr. Rishabh Agrawal, Director and CEO, ICanCaRe.

ICanCaRe team of Certified tobacco Cessation Specialists and Quit Coaches work with you to make your journey smooth, easy, interesting and achievable.

ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres with its India’s first digital protocol based assessment process guide intervention as per requirements.

Do visit the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres or register online by visiting our page or call ICanCaRe quitline 011-43077695.

Coughing After Quitting Smoking What To Do?

POST QUIT Smokers Cough – Take Care

Some may notice increase in coughing when they stop smoking. This is only for short period of time and is not a part of the withdrawal symptoms. So why does it occur?  One thing is for sure – DO NOT GO BACK TO SMOKING! Post quit smokers cough is a bodies reaction to healing and need to be managed.


The respiratory system – Trachea and bronchus are lined by mucus and Cilia (which are hair like projections). The sticky mucus layer traps the harmful particles we inhale and the thousands of cilia which lines the tract, with rapid movements push the trapped harmful particles with affected mucus upwards out into the throat which is now either spitted or swallowed. This natural protection keeps our trachea healthy and free from infection and diseases.


The protection is overwhelmed. The tar in smoke gets deposited in the trachea forming thick layers. The chemicals added in cigarettes paralyses the cilia. The person is prone for higher infection and the inhaled toxic particles from smoke, inhaled dust, germs etc remain inside the lungs with increase risk of infection and respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis and lung cancer.


On cessation the body starts healing and the cilia starts recovering! With gradual recovery the mucus with toxic materials is pushed out into the throat. This causes cough for the first couple of months till one is free of toxins and complete recovery of ciliary function is attained.


The fact is cleansing should continue, it is helping our body get rid of toxins and pollutants –

  • No cough suppressants, but mucolytic and bronchodilators where indicated may be used.
  • Drink plenty of water, juices or tea. (4Ds of Tobacco Cessation )
  • Ayurvedic drink like mulethi (licorice) or Kaadha or just honey can soothe out the throat. Watch video – Natural Home treatment for Smoker’s Cough
  • Nebuliser with simple saline water or otherwise steam inhalation to keep the tract humidified
  • Acapella a magnetic respiratory device helps in opening up the alveoli and loosen mucus increasing the oxygenation power of the lungs.


If any of these symptoms below are noticed, the doctor has to be consulted – mostly it is due to inflammation and can be treated. Any other hidden signs need a Specialist’s attention.

  • Breathing difficulty – breathlessness on mild exertion or at rest.
  • Wheezing – stridor like sound indicates airway constriction
  • Blood in sputum -Blood in cough

Well friends, smoking or tobacco withdrawal do cause some discomfort, but these are part of healing process and are temporary. These should not be deterrents of cessation.

The benefits of quitting smoking are undeniable although the quit journey may be a little bumpy. It is better and easier to quit before you start showing symptoms of change in your body due to tobacco use.

ICanCaRe team of Certified tobacco Cessation Specialists and Quit Coaches work with you to make your journey smooth and easy.

ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres with its India’s first digital protocol based assessment process guide intervention as per requirements.

Call 011-430-77695 or visit ICanCaRe Webpage to seek assistance for quitting tobacco completely. Make your journey of quitting easy and pleasurable with the experts. 

Will Power and Quit Tobacco

Quitting is Easy and Just a Call Away! Call 011-430-77695 Today for Assistance!

Just like real muscles, your willpower can experience fatigue. This is why using willpower exercises repeatedly to deal with tempting situations, such as people offering you a cigarette, may lead to a smoking slip-up.

It’s a good idea to bear this in mind and have a plan for managing these situations or if you feel your willpower fading.

A common belief among smokers is that you either have willpower or you don’t.

However, willpower is often linked to motivation – and the great thing about motivation is that you have the power to change it! If you have low levels of willpower or motivation now, it doesn’t mean they’ll stay low.

The trick is to make a start on developing your willpower.

Do check your will power index on the ICanCaRe APP – Download here.

Will power off course is an important component of tobacco cessation but that alone may not be enough.  At some point of time it may get overwhelmed, and you slip and that would be start of relapse. The withdrawal and cravings are not just hearsay but real, this needs a support of tobacco cessation specialist to help you during your journey. If one is contemplating to quit, the ICanCaRe cessation specialist makes an individualized plan that may include your behaviour therapy and medicines. Adhering to the plan needs regular reinforcement and that is provided by the unique Tobacco Quit Coach on a regular basis. Review of the plan is done regularly and challenges addressed.

ICanCaRe Tobacco wellness centre is here to provide you the means and solutions to your Quit Journey.