Women Power as a TOBACCO MARSHAL – Stree Shakti – INNER WHEEL District 310

ICanCaRe – INNER WHEEL District 310

The Responsibility of Being a TOBACCO MARSHAL

To win a battle we need skilled and armed Soldiers. Battle against the MAYAVI RAWAN TAMBAKU-ASUR has begun with Inner wheel District 310 taking the stride under the leadership of DC SONAL BHATIA.

The Winning battle is started, and the recruitment is on. The might of tambaku-asur cannot be underestimated – the manufacturers, the vendors, the poor farmers, irresponsible media, greedy actors, and poorly informed politicians. They are responsible for the death of around 3700 people every day. A death that is prolonged, painful, and kills the person and ruins the family.

The shakti is born in the form of SONAL BHATIA -sincere, dedicated, and determined. JO SOCCHTE , WHO KAHTE HAIN aur KAR KE DIKATE HAIN. The stubbornness of SONAL BHATIA is the death knell for tambakuasur. She is recruiting the SHEROES as tobacco MARSHAL to take the tambaku-asur head-on. The mighty clever asur with its ever-increasing tentacles needs a well-planned, determined skilled army, and when the NARI SHAKTI with SONAL BHATIA at the helm rises the winning of the battle is inevitable.

Each Tobacco MARSHAL is a unit of power. Doing their bit in their surroundings starting from their home protecting family and influencing the workers – maids, drivers, malli, stepping out to involve and influence others. BOOND – BOOND SE GHADA BAHRTA HAIN. The determination is clear the goal is set and responsibility defined – reach 3 teach 3 make India Tobacco Free.

We bow to the power of Women Shakti! We are with you Sonal.


Women Empowerment – Spouse’s Rights Towards Tobacco Use by Partner

There is evidently a very confusing  situation when a wife / spouse discovers that her counterpart is a tobacco user which she mentally does not accept as a habit in the normal go of life after marriage. In India, most of the marriages, whether arranged or loved, experience a lot of ambiguity about the habits and behaviors of their partners. In such cases the wife is entitled to exercise her rights and legal options to protect her body (health), person and self respect. Wife can take the redressal/ aids available and/ or counselling and treatment options so that her life becomes normal and humane.

Let’s take a look at the protections provided under the Fundamental rights that are enshrined in Part III (Articles 12 to 35) of the Constitution of India.

  1. Right to equality (Articles. 14-18): includes equality before the law, the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth, equality of opportunity in matters of employment, the abolition of untouchability and abolition of titles.

Article 14, backs women and their rights in the country. It ensures women equality and equal protection of the laws. Article 15(3) empowers the state to take affirmative action in favour of a daughter-in-law:

  1. The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, entitles wives a basic right to reside in the matrimonial/ marital household.
  2. A married woman has the right to have a committed relationship: that is based on affirmative honesty in relationship and understanding.
  3. A wife has the legal authority to live with proper dignity and self-respect with her in-laws: hence a wife can not be treated with indifference and inhumane way or against her will to object perceivable harm to her body, property or repute/ emotion.

2. Right to Freedom (Articles. 19-22): includes freedom of speech and expression, assembly, association or union or cooperatives, movement, residence, and right to practice any profession or occupation.

3. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Articles. 32-35): is present for enforcement of fundamental rights.

When it is presumably found that the spouse or his family members defend the wrong action of tobacco abuse, the wife has the options to exercise her access to legal provisions that can be compounded as a recourse to the problem of correcting a tobacco user husband: 

as per  the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA), instituted in 2005, is a legislation aimed at protecting women from violence in domestic relationships.

  1. The definition of domestic violence is well written and wide-ranging and holistic. It covers, mental as well as physical abuse, and also threats to do the same. Any form of harassment, coercion, harm to health, safety, limb or well-being is covered. Additionally, there are specific definitions for the following:

Physical abuse: Defined as act or conduct that is of such a nature as to cause bodily pain, harm, or danger to life, limb or health or impair the health or development of the aggrieved person’.

The definition of “aggrieved person” includes any woman who is or has been in a domestic relationship with the respondent and who alleges to have been subjected to domestic violence by them. (See Section 2(a) of the PWDVA)

The definition of “respondent” includes any adult male who has been or is in a domestic relationship with the aggrieved woman, and against whom the woman has sought a relief or any male or female relative of the husband or male partner of a married woman or a woman in a relationship in the nature of marriage.

The definition of “domestic relationship” is any relationship 2 persons have lived together in a shared household and these people are:

  • related by consanguinity (blood relations)
  • related by marriage.
  • Though a relationship in the nature of marriage (which would include live-in relationships)
  • Through adoption
  • Are family members living in a joint family.

The definition of “child” is any person below the age of eighteen years, and also includes foster, adopted, or step child.

Further India is a leading member state with WHO FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) and in our country, Children and wife is protected under the  Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act/ COTPA 2003, the Act that was enacted by the Parliament to give effect to the Resolution passed by the 39th World Health Assembly, urging the member states to implement measures to provide non-smokers protection from involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke.

The most effective way to address such cases is social counselling through family participation and adoption of all available protocol for psychological and physiological treatment of the patient.

ICanCaRe is the only organization in the world to have formulated 3600 approach for social and medical remediation of tobacco addiction, disease and cessation through medical, social and legal framework implementation under expert supervision and advice through online and personal consultancy and support.

How to Stay Healthy?

Everyday millions ask Google – “How can I stay healthy?” and Google gives another million answers to this question. It varies from personal experiences to expert advices on how to live longer with a healthy lifestyle and habit. It all sums up to one point – “Stay away from MEDICINE. Just follow MED.”

The new age formula to keep healthy and active is here – Meditation, Exercise and Diet (MED). It is a simple three step process and should be followed regularly to keep you dynamic and energetic at all times.

Meditation keeps your mind at peace, stabilizes your mental energy, enhances concentration and lets you make a wiser decision in every walk of life. A daily 30 minutes meditation is enough to help you get control of your own self. Similarly exercising for 30 minutes regularly keep you fit and revitalized. It is a great stress buster for many. And the most important is diet. Eating fruits, leafy vegetables and other nutritious items gives all the vital vitamins and minerals to the body to keep it vary of any disease.

Eating healthy for 6 days by controlling one’s urge to fast foods and other oily products and munching your favourite food on the 7th day is a key mantra to many of your problems – especially obesity. In the present era the jobs have become more demanding and on average an adult spends 15 hours of their life being sedentary. This is the reason for early illness, tiredness and faster ageing. Therefore controlling the urge for non-healthy food for 6 days will help your body detoxify all that is already accumulated.

Another big question many have is – “When is the time for meditation and exercise?” People around are running a rat race to fulfil all their dreams and responsibilities. The only thing for which they don’t have time is they, themselves. 24 hours falls short for any activity to keep fit. There’s only one complaint – Time crunch and paucity!

But let me tell you that all it needs is a will power to get yourself relaxed and fit. It is the unwillingness that prevents you to follow MED and procrastinate till the time you become sick and it becomes a mandate to follow MED if you want to survive. Let me give you some tips of where you can adjust your time to exercise and meditate-

  • Run and play with your kids for an hour. A win-win situation for both of you. You spend time with your kids and running helps you exercise
  • Women while cooking can perform neck shoulder and hand exercises. They can also do pranayama if they are comfortable
  • While at work, when you take break for tea or coffee, do pranayama and deep breathing for 10 minutes with your colleagues. 2 breaks will give you 20 minutes and this is enough for you to feel fresh and relaxed
  • Try to train yourself to do pranayama and yoga while watching TV because you can then spend more time in exercising and need not put in extra effort
  • When you are out for shopping, park vehicles a little farther from market and speed walk through your entire course of shops
  • When you are talking on phone (a non-official call), try speed walking around your office premises. Do not follow this practice everywhere. Your safety is important
  • Try to practice “Shava” asana before sleeping. A 15 mins shava asana is again sufficient enough to relax and give you deep sleep
  • Make it a habit to go over weekends with kids and friends and spend time in sports and field activities so that you spend energy and your body is exercising

There are many ways how you can train yourself to follow MED in your routine activities and you need not put in any extra efforts. I’ll dedicate my next blog to only discuss ways in which you can incorporate MED in your routine activities without putting in additional efforts. Till then stay healthy and keep sharing your ideas of how to follow MED in your daily activities.