The Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth Campaign with ICanCaRe

The Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth Campaign with ICanCaRe

Welcome note to the Council for Public Health to join SAVE the Youth
Campaign with ICanCaRe following the introductory program on 18.9.2023

It was a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the COUNCIL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
following the successful introductory program held on 18th September 2023. 7
members of the team attended the online introduction. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
with its mission to work with the youths has its presence in Telangana and
Andra States. The group consists of a varied group of enthusiastic doctors
working on the ground level.

Dr. Pawan Gupta introduced the SAVE the Youth Campaign of ICanCaRe, an
initiative dedicated to empowering and safeguarding the youth against the
challenges posed by substance abuse, particularly tobacco consumption. The
introductory program shed light on our mission, objectives, and the
collaborative efforts needed to create a healthier and happier community.

Now, more than ever, we understand the imperative need for collective action
to protect our youth from the detrimental effects of tobacco use.

We look forward to the council to actively engaging in the SAVE the Youth
Campaign, and collaborate with us in creating educational programs, awareness
campaigns, and policy advocacy initiatives that will significantly contribute
to reduce tobacco usage among the youth.

The partnership and expertise will greatly enhance the impact of this
initiative, fostering a healthier environment for future generations.

We look forward to enthusiastic participation and to working together for
the betterment of our community.


#icancare #icancareacademy #icancareepharmacy #savetheyouth
#pawangupta #councilofpublichealth #telangana #andhra

ICanCaRe wishes a Tobacco Free Ganesh Chaturthi

Dear Friends,

TEAM ICanCaRe wishes you a clean, green, healthy, and lively Ganesh Chaturthi!

As we joyously celebrate the divine festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, ICanCaRe urges you to make a sacred pledge – let us embrace this auspicious occasion as an opportunity to choose a path of health, wellness, and harmony by saying NO to tobacco.

Just as Lord Ganesha symbolizes wisdom, prosperity, and triumph over adversity, let us strive to overcome the challenge of tobacco addiction, a hurdle that obstructs our path to a fulfilling and healthy life.

Tobacco not only harms our physical health but also casts a shadow on our spiritual well-being. This Ganesh Chaturthi, let us honor the essence of the festival by committing to a life free from the clutches of tobacco.

Together, we can build a society where the air is pure, hearts are light, and souls are unburdened. Let us unite in this pledge for a tobacco-free tomorrow and honor Lord Ganesha with a promise to preserve the divine temple of our bodies.

Wishing you a blessed and tobacco-free Ganesh Chaturthi!

In unity for a clean green, healthy, and lively tomorrow, Join hands to #SAVETHEYOUTH be #TOBACCOMARSHAL! Urge people to #quittobacco #quitsmoking

The ICanCaRe Team

ICanCaRe tobacco Quitline -011-43077695

ICanCaRe tobacco Wellness APP –

#icancare #icancareacademy #icancareepharmacy #quittobacco #quitsmoking #tobaccofreeindia #savetheyouth #tobaccomarshal