The Ninth Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists was conducted by Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala, on 15th May 2023. 26 CTCS attended the same. The agenda was set as follows:
1) Discussion on an Interventional study about ‘Training for PHC Health Workers regarding early detection of Oral Cancer & Pre-cancer’ presented by Dr. Kshipra Deshpande. Suggestions were put up by all the participants for better execution of this awareness drive
2) Discuss Srijay’s dilemma about ‘Should a wife give prescribed medicines to her smoker husband without his knowledge?’
3) Discussion on Srijay’s query about ‘How to tackle relatives who smoke and do not like to be advised to quit?’
4) Ideas and agenda planning for World No Tobacco Day as a CTCS group.
The importance of motivation for healthcare workers was highlighted. Great stress was placed on primary preventive activities at ground level by these health workers, and spreading awareness about oral self-examination by the people. It was the unanimous assertion that early detection of minor changes in the color and size of oral tissues could prevent full-blown cancer development. The ground-level health workers need to be vigilant about these features and refer patients to higher centers.
Activities that can be planned out for celebrating World No Tobacco Day, on 31st May, by the ICanCaRe family, were discussed in detail. Everyone agreed on making Flyers in their local languages and circulate them on social media to highlight tobacco cessation activities by the ICanCaRe family.
The importance of Yog and Motivating Energy for tobacco cessation patients was highlighted – Sync-energy every Sunday morning.
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