CTCS course accredited by Gujarat University and conducted by ICanCaRe Academy is an 8 weeks course. The May-June batch started its journey on 10.5.2023
The enthusiastic May-June 2023 Batch of the Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists course consists of doctors from various disciplines- Pulmonologist, Surgical oncologist, ENT and Head neck Onco-surgeon, Pedodontics, Oral medicine and Radiologist, dental surgeon, Community medicine, and Dietitian.
Each one is as much enthusiastic to learn more and adopt tobacco cessation in their practice.
We welcome each one of them into the ICanCaRe family as they join the #SAVEtheyouth campaign as Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists.
Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists are the most important link for the #SAVEtheyouth Campaign as they are at the pinnacle and trained extensively for intervention to successfully help quit tobacco for their patients.
CTCS course is accredited by Gujarat University and the only such course in India giving practical experience, ICanCaRe APP for digitalized protocol intervention. To know more go to http://www.icancare.in/academy/ctcs It is an 8-week course with dedicated 2.5 hours each week, with a lot of reading material, etc.
#CTCS #tobacco #gujaratuniversity #icancareacademy #pawangupta #reenarkumar