#6th  ICanCaRe Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists

The Sixth Tutorial for Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialists was conducted on 15th February 2023 Monday 9-10 pm. The program was hosted by –

Tutorial Co-ordinator – Dr. Mariya Tambawala, Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala, Dr. Monalee and Dr. Nikita Dwivedi

The agenda for discussion were


The following topics were discussed –

1)  How to set up a Cessation Centre.

2) CTCS Standardized protocol for Quitting.

3) Treatment Modalities for different Withdrawal symptoms

4) An insight into TOBACCO MARSHAL training.

A few cases were also discussed. Dr. Mariya shared her experience of spreading awareness through religious leaders who can really make a lot of difference. Dr. Rajkumari informed about her plan to reach out to a large community of doctors at her place to indulge them in tobacco cessation.

Dr. Pawan advised having a similar intervention to be able to assess, improvise and adapt.

#advisequittobacco should be promoted in all places.

We welcome participants to Contact for difficult case discussion to solve them together:

Tutorial Co-ordinator – Dr. Mariya Tambawala 9924259452 dr.mariyasham@gmail.com

Dr. Siddhi Hathiwala 8959215915 | Dr. Monalee 9969403133 | Dr. Nikita Dwivedi 6394047903

MASTER TRAINER – Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch.

#ICanCaRe #icancareacademy #pawangupta #tobaccocessation #tutorial