Emerging Role of Dental Practices in Oral Cancers

A Round Table Discussion titled “Emerging role of Dental Practices in Oral Cancer” was conducted at Max Hospital Vaishali on 8.8.2021. The occasion was to mark World Head and Neck Day which is observed every year on twenty-seventh July.

The round table between Dental practitioners and Oncologists discussed the importance of collaboration between the two groups to change the dismal presentation and prognosis of oral cancers. The event was organized at MAX Vaishali in collaboration with Santosh deemed to be University, ICanCaRe, and Indian Dental Association.

Dr. Pawan Gupta, Director Head, and Neck, Max Healthcare said 97 % of oral cancer patients if detected and treated early can survive more than 5 years. However, sadly most of the oral cancers present to the oncologists at a very late stage with only 20 % surviving for 5 years. Oral Cancers are easily detected, easily treated, and importantly easily prevented. The cause of oral cancers chiefly – tobacco (smoking and non-smoking), alcohol, sharp teeth, ill-fitting dentures can be easily taken care and this disease can be prevented.

Dr. Amit B Lal, Professor Santosh Dental College stressed the need for collaboration amongst the dental profession to create awareness amongst the public about oral cancers.

At MAX Vaishali an Oral Care and Tobacco cessation center was established to take care of oral cancer patients from screening, oral care, and rehabilitation before, after, and during treatment and also protocol-based tobacco Cessation intervention program.

Dr. Harshita Pandey, the specialist taking care of the oral care program at Max Vaishali said “patients come at various stages and invariably they need oral and dental care. With the establishment of this center in MAX the patients are better rehabilitated and have fewer complications during treatment as well.” Many small suspicious lesions have been detected during screening and patients treated on an OPD basis itself.

It was decided that in a collaboration understanding community program would be conducted by a team from Santosh Dental College and MAX Vaishali as per digitalized protocol established by ICanCaRe.

The Round Table was Inaugurated by Dr. Meenu Walia, Chief Clinical Head and Sr. Director MAX Health Care EZ, and Dr. Umesh Sharma, President-Elect -IDA-UP in presence of dignitaries from various Dental Colleges – IDS, Sharda, etc.

The co-convenor of the event Dr. Sanjeev Tomar conducted the event with dignitaries – Dr. Neeraj, Dr. Gagan, Dr. Sowrabh Dr. Rashi, Dr. Prekshi, Dr. Safalta, Dr. Deepankar, Dr. Gurjap, Dr. Sachin, Dr. Abhishek Rathi, Dr. Vidhi Rathi, Dr. Hemkant Verma, and Dr. Hemant Sawhney.

The Round Table ended with the participants asking for more such discussions in the future.

For Quitting Tobacco call Helpline 011-43077695.

Download the Android ICanCaRe App – https://app.icancare.in

Dr. Pawan Gupta M.Ch. Director Head and Neck, MAX Superspeciality Hospital, Vaishali and Founder ICanCaRe as Convenor of the Round Table on “Emerging Role of Dental Practices in Oral Cancers
Inauguration of the Round Table on “Emerging Role of Dental Practices in Oral Cancers”
Round Table Discussion Round 2 – Challenges of Collaboration at the “Emerging Role of Dental Practices in Oral Cancers”

A Vigilant Eye Saves Life

This is the story of a young man, Satyaban, 37 years of age, security guard by profession, and a father of 3 children. His meager salary supports 7 members (parents, children, wife, and himself). He was under treatment of an ENT doctor for some throat infection, and was referred to MAX – ICanCaRe TOBACCO CESSATION AND ORAL SCREENING Centre at MAX Vaishali for his tobacco addiction.

Satyaban was seen by Dr. Harshita Pandey, BDS, and the Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist at MAX-ICanCaRe Tobacco Cessation and Oral Screening Centre. The intervention process started as per the ABCD digitalized protocol of Tobacco Cessation on the ICanCaRe APP.

Satyaban had started tobacco after he got the job of security guard 7years back persuaded by one of his senior colleagues. He was counseled and medications for tobacco cessation were prescribed.

As a part of “C” of ABCD of tobacco cessation when his oral Screening was done, there it was!! A small verrucous lesion 5 x 2 mm on the inner side of his lip. A potential malignant lesion (likely to be premalignant at present). If not take care of at the early stages it would be a disaster with an aggressive tumor later on.

Mouth opening reduced to 2.3 cm on the TrisCaRe just 2.5 fingers and extensive staining and unhygienic teeth which also requires attention.
A simple excision was done of the lesion, oral prophylaxis and tobacco cessation intervention were performed. All this in a few hundred rupees, A life is saved and sure family would be happy!

Thanks to the ENT surgeon who referred the patient to the MAX-ICanCaRe TCC and Oral Screening center and more importantly to the VIGILANT EYE of Dr. Harshita Pandey.

According to Dr. Harshita Pandey, “the training I got as a Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist by ICanCaRe which emphasizes not only on tobacco cessation but also on co-morbidity management has made me confident and different. I am excited to save lives and overwhelmed with the responses I get from my clients.”

Call 011-43077695 to quit tobacco or download the Android ICanCaRe APP www.app.icancare.in

The Life of Satyaban could be saved only by proper examination and immediate management. He is better now and improving. Free from tobacco and on regular use of TrisCaRe.