Control the Cravings – 2nd D of 7D Intervention of Quitting Tobacco and Smoking – Deep Breathing Exercise

Deep Breathing Exercise for Stress Relief and Cravings Management

This is the one most important armamentarium to control the cravings along with the first D (Drink Plenty of Water). Whatever form of tobacco you have used  – smoke or chew tobacco,  Deep Breathing controls cravings and relaxes you.

Stress, tension associated with work or while quitting smoking, light-headedness, loss of concentration, fatigue, weakness- these are some of the withdrawals taken care by deep breathing exercise. DBE makes you relaxed, calms, peaceful, quiet and lively.

Deep Breathing Exercise- How Does it work – Oxygenation, Relaxation and toxin release

Deep breathing opens up the lungs the collapsed alveoli get activated. This increases oxygenation as more alveoli are recruited for gas exchange.

Fast breathing, takes away oxygen from the brain causing anxiety and light-headedness. With controlled breathing, ‘feel good’ chemicals endorphin is secreted from the brain.

Breathing helps clear away the gaseous toxins and also stimulates cough to release accumulated deposits in the lungs (Related reading – Smokers cough what to do)

Some techniques of Deep Breathing Exercise

Breathing is natural. Average breathing rate 10-16 per minute. It is simple and routine.

Smokers usually have the tendency to breath more deeply when they have smoke to get the maximum of the nicotine, this Deep inhalation partly explains the sense of relaxation associated with smoking!

However, when they first quit there is a tendency to shallow breath, just the opposite of what one should be doing to stay focused and calm. Once you deep breath you would be amazed at the quick and profound calming effect it produces on your mind. Initially you would have to do it consciously and once you have mastered it would come naturally.

Ayurveda – meditation and pranayam have described many methods and having attended many such camps I have learnt the basics of deep breathing. One must make it simple, part of their daily routine without assigning it to any particular Yogi! The basic needs to be understood and once mastered can adopt various versions.


Deep breath in (5 Seconds) – hold (5 Seconds) – Deep breath out (fully – 5 Seconds) – hold (5 Seconds) and continue the cycle

  • During the process keep your eyes closed, and fully concentrate on your breath. Have a smile on your face.
  • Deep breath in till your abdomen rises (abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing), this may take some practice.
  • The exhale time should be double the inhale time. Exhale should be complete.
  • While you inhalation feel the energy flowing into your body and spreading from the mind to every part till the little toe.
  • When you exhale relax your body. With each breath become stronger and relaxed
  • The cycle is to be repeated at least 10 times

As you go on and master the technique you would feel the change in your body, and it is important that you notice these changes – The drop of the shoulders, loosening of your face, and any other feelings you may have.


  1. OHM Chanting – Take a deep breath in and while exhaling chant OHM.
  2. Instead of OHM some of my patients just say ‘SHANTI’, ‘RELAX’, ‘I CAN WIN’ or any other words that makes them calm.
  3. Role your tongue to touch the hard palate, breath in through your nose and breath out slowly through your mouth.
  4. Breath in through your nose, pinch your lip and slowly in a controlled manner blow out through your mouth.

WHEN to do

  1. First thing in the morning – before getting out of the bed. This relaxes you and takes care of the morning craving.
  2. Before going to bed – while going to bed as a ritual do it, the relaxation gives you a sound sleep, takes care of the much-needed oxygenation during the night and you get up fresh in the morning.
  3. During cravings – DBE has a magical effect. Consciously do 10 cycles of Deep Breathing following 2 glasses of Water (7 Ds of Cravings).

Most of tobacco users smoke or chew tobacco for relaxation, the fact is that smoking or chewing only fixes the nicotine level in the body, and in actuality it is a depressant and stress producer not a stress buster. The relaxation felt by a smoker can be attributed to some extent to the deep breathing associated with smoking. Tobacco is actually creating a negative vibe in the body.

Friends, deep breathing is a wonderful tool to control cravings. One can do it anytime, standing, sitting or lying down, and no one would even notice you doing this.

Let us practice this and master it, initially it may take some efforts once you get a hang of it, you would do it as routine, with every reminders (triggers) and off-course there is rewards. (related reading – 3Rs of habit formation)

The ICanCaRe tobacco Cessation Specialists and ICanCaRe quit Coach works with you to make the quit journey easy, interesting and achievable.

Do visit the ICanCaRe Tobacco Wellness Centres or register online by visiting our page or call ICanCaRe quitline 011-430-77695.

Published by

Dr. Pawan Gupta

Dr. Pawan Gupta is a trusted Senior Surgical Oncologist, social activist, and author, engaged in creating awareness and changing the way cancer is perceived in society. He is a renowned transformational speaker on cancer chronic diseases and lifestyle specifically tobacco. Thousands have benefitted from his workshops, seminars, camps, and training programs. He has been featured in Buzz Creator and on many channels on TV. He is the Founder of ICanCaRe, an Innovative enterprise for Cancer Care and Rehabilitation. Working extensively in Tobacco Cessation data-driven protocol-based intervention through a network of Specialists and experts on ICanCaRe APP, Virtual Clinics, and ICanCaRe National Quitline. National Convenor for Tobacco Cessation courses for the first time in India introduced under Gujarat University His populist campaigns “WIN OVER CANCER”, “SAVE the Youth – Win over tobacco”, “Chota Daana”, “Catch them Early”, and “My Hygiene My Responsibility” has gained him wide accolades. In his mission to win over cancer, he has a unique methodological approach to quitting tobacco. The book WIN OVER TOBACCO – MADE EASY is a step-by-step guide for tobacco addicts to overcome their cravings. The Book had more than 10000 Downloads within 30 Days of being made available. He received the prestigious ICD International Award in 2007, Vivekananda Sister Margarette Award 2017 and Delhi NGO leadership Award 2017, AIECS award 2018, Asia Africa Leadership in Social Innovation 2019, MICC Innovation Award 2019, Rashtriya Prabasi Odia Paribar Award 2019. Professionally he has conducted more than 11000 cancer surgeries and was a pioneer in establishing and modernizing surgical oncology in some of the major hospitals in Delhi NCR. He did his graduation and post-graduation from SCB Medical College, Cuttack. He enhanced his surgical skills M.Ch and Fellowship in Surgical Oncology from Gujarat Cancer Research Institute (GCRI), Ahmedabad. He has held several positions during his career in various hospitals. Dr. Pawan has published 30 papers in National and International journals and is actively involved in several research projects. He is an active member of the Telemedicine Society of India, India Association of Surgical Oncology, Association of Surgeons of India, and Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology. He is seen as a mentor of strayed souls, and a soothing balm to those tormented by cancer.

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