Ms.Juliana (3rd from left) along with Bharat Scouts & Guides from Kendriya Vidyalya 2, Colaba at Churchgate Railway Station Mumbai.1000+ signatures is our strength and commitment that speaks volumes in this small space.Mrs.Rashmi Rekha Mishra(3rd fromleft),ICanWinFoundation Patron and Station Superintendent of Bandra Railway Station,Mumbai with Bharat Scouts & GuidesOficers from Indian Navy participating enthusiastically in the signature campaign.People participating in the campaign‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ a visitor from Australia endorsing his support‘Nanha munha rahi hun, desh ka sipahi hun’ Youth awakened and praying for a Tobacco free society.Enthusiasm at its peak when we were running out of space.A police officer pledging to ‘winovertobacco’People participating in the campaignCommon people taking pledge for a tobacco free environment.A discussion between volunteers about the campaign.
ICanCaRe – ICanWin Foundation team conducted “SAVE the Youth – Win over Tobacco”.Signature campaign at Churchgate Railway station and Bandra Railway station, Mumbai on the eve of ‘Wolrd No Tobacco Day’. The campaign is the brainchild of Dr Pawan Gupta, Sr. Cancer Surgeon and Founder President of ICanWin Foundation, and was run under the leadership of Mrs Rashmi Rekha Mishra from Western Railway Women Welfare Association, Mumbai. Banners appealing public to take pledge ‘not to take tobacco in any form’ and to sign in support is supported by more than 1000 signatories include officials, Police, businessmen, Boys Scouts & Guides, professionals, domestic and international tourists, students and commuters from all walks of like. The response was wonderful and is flooded with varieties of opinion, suggestions and commitment to make this society Tobacco Free. More than 15 volunteers including Teacher leaders and Boys Scouts & Guides from Kendriya Vidyalaya 2, Colaba, and Ms Juliana, an entrepreneur, managed the event with champion spirit and dedication for the cause. ICanCaRe – ICanWin Foundation, which works on cause of cancer and tobacco awareness and care, plans to conduct a Nukkad Naatak program on Tobacco Awareness at Marine Drive area of Mumbai very soon. Mrs Mishra commented that this campaign shall bring change in public understanding on and attitude towards of use of tobacco and it’s ill effects on our lives and a step towards “Positive about Life” shall make a Clean, Green, Healthy and Lively India.
Innovative Cancer Care and Rehabilitation Pvt. Ltd. (ICanCaRe) is a health tech start-up working in providing innovative solutions in the field of cancer prevention, care & rehabilitation, striving to make life comfortable and easy beyond cancer for all winners and survivors.
ICanCaRe is recognized as Start-up by DPIIT, Government of India, incubated at Gujarat University Start-up and Entrepreneurship Council (GUSEC), and is a lifetime member of Millennial India International Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture (MIICCIA).
ICanCaRe in its mission "SAVE the Youth" runs two popular campaigns #knowtobacco and #chotadaana. ICanCaRe is in the business of tobacco Cessation (QUIT TOBACCO) as a means of tobacco control through a clinically validated protocol intervention model, and capacity building for the same by Gujarat University accredited certified specialist courses.
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